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ENGR 101 APA Citation guide: Journal articles

Guidelines for the ENGR 101 term paper

What is a DOI?

DOI = Document Object Identifier

A DOI identifies an individual article (like a serial number) such that a permanent URL can be created.

Most major publishers have started associating DOI's with articles and have started to show the DOI in abstracting and indexing databases (like Compendex) as well as on the article abstracts themselves.

Here's what one looks like:


The first part before the / is the publisher portion of the number. This one points to Elsevier. The second part points to the journal and article specifically.


if your citation includes a DOI, use it and omit the "retrieved from ..." statement.

Basic format for a journal article

Author’s Last Name, Initial(s). (Year). Article title. Journal Title (in italics), volume [also italicized], and issue number [in parentheses], page numbers.


Bordeck, N. (1997). Going against the grain: Disruptive classroom behavior.  Behavioral & Educational Sciences19, 198-207.

Article on the Internet

Monthatipkul, S., Iovenitti, P., & Sbarski, I. (2012). Design of Facial Impact Protection Gear for

     Cyclists. Journal of Transportation Technologies, 2 (3), 204-212. doi: 10.4236/jtts.2012.23022

    (since there is a DOI, the URL is omitted)

Article with a DOI

Marcus, C. (2009). A 4-year, cluster-randomized, controlled childhood obesity prevention study: STOPP. International Journal of                  Obesity. 33 (4), 408-17. doi:10.1038/ijo.2009.38

(Citation includes DOI - so name of the database or URL is omitted)


Article without a DOI

Bindler, R. C., & Ball, J. W. (2007). The Bindler‐Ball healthcare model: A new paradigm  

     for health promotion.  Pediatric Nursing33(2), 121-126. Retrieved from Proquest.

    (Includes "retrieved from" and the name of the database. Note: this example does not have a DOI)