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HSI-STEM:Winter Research Experience & Summer Bridge


Welcome to the CSULB Library Workshop for the HSI-STEM Research & Library Resources. This guide will help you become better acquainted with what the library has to offer to expand your research skills.

Scientific Journal Articles, What Are They?

Scientific Literature:

Primary scientific literature has several elements:


  • Papers usually start with an abstract which is an  introduction or  overview that summarizes the research. They use a lot of detail to describe exactly how the research was performed and may describe the materials or methods used and/or the exact location and sampling procedures. They are usually very specific: mentioning particular places, organisms, etc.
  • They often have a "Materials and Methods" section and "Results" section.


  • These are written catering to a specific audience in their subject area.
  • Authors may use the first person while writing about their research.


  • Each article will discuss why the research was performed and a discussion section will attempt to describe how the research fits into the larger picture and may suggest further research to follow and extend the conclusions.

Subject Research Guides

Visit these guides for links to article databases, information on finding books, websites and news.

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