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Teacher Education, K-12: Find Articles / Databases

Library resources for courses in Liberal Studies (L/ST) and Teacher Education (TEd)

Keys to Your Success

Research is a multistep process

Research may be very interdisciplinary

Think broadly; then narrow the focus

Keep a record of your sources

Research Searching Strategies


Identify key concepts (keywords, synonyms, subject headings)


Identify your information sources (books, journal articles, news, encyclopedias)


Create search statements using Boolean Operators:

Use AND between key terms to narrow a search e.g., reading AND comprehension

Use OR between synomyn key terms to broaden a search e.g., college OR university

Use truncation symbols (*) to retrieve multiple variations of a word i.e., Child* retrieves child, children, childhood

Use "phrase searching" to search for words in the order they appear i.e., "English Language Learners"

Start with These


Also Useful

Additional Resources

Google Scholar

Retrieve scholarly and peer-reviewed citations on any subject.

Tip: Use “Cited by” and “Related articles” to find additional articles.

If you are on campus, click on Get it! @CSULB. If the full text article is not available or free, check to see if the Library owns it or use Citation Linker (and if not use BeachReach).  

Google Scholar Search


To find a specific journal, magazine, or newspaper enter the name of the journal (NOT the title of the article) in the "Journal Title Search"  link provided below.  It will link you to print holdings and/or full-text online subscriptions.


Citation Linker allows you to enter your citation and find out whether or not the CSULB University Library provides full text. To use CitationLinker you must know the title of the journal, magazine or newspaper the article is in (e.g. Journal of Research in Reading, The Reading Teacher). You will need to enter as much information (article title, journal, author, year of publication, volume, issue, page numbers) as possible, and Citation Linker will search our databases to see if we have a print or electronic copy of the article.     

How Can I find Scholarly Articles by Grade Level and Methodology?

Tips using ERIC

Limit to grade level:

  • In advanced search, locate "educational level" box and highlight "grade level"

Limit to specific research methods:

  • In Advanced Search, use the Subject Heading or Descriptor "Qualitative Research" and any search terms
  • Specific research methods can be combined with "Qualitative Research" using OR: "action research", "focus groups", "case studies", "ethnography", "grounded theory", "phenomenology"

 Tips using JSTOR

By methodology:

  • Click on Advanced Search
  • Change "Full-Text" to "Abstract" and enter "qualitative" and any additional search terms
  • Limit to Type: Article

Tips using PsycINFO

By  methodology:

  • In advanced search, locate "methodology" box and highlight "qualitative Research"

 Tips using ScienceDirect

By methodology:

  • Click on "Search" above the Quick Search box and enter "qualitative" and your search terms
  • Change "Source" limit to "Subscribed Sources"
  • Select subject groups

NOTE- Sometimes when database limiters are not available, you will have include the terms "qualitative research" or "qualitative study" as a Keyword search or as an Abstract search.