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Check Out the Library Canvas Course - What Is It?

This guide explains what the "Check Out the Library" Canvas Course is and how the course can help students learn the basics of using the CSULB Library in an asynchronous, non-credit-bearing environment.

Course Learning Outcomes

Our Course Learning Outcomes have been derived from the CSULB Student Success and Institutional Learning Outcomes meshed with the information literacy standards of our national association: The Association of Research Libraries, part of the American Libraries Association. WASC Core Competencies and the CSULB GE Policy regarding Foundation and Criteria for Subareas A1, Oral Communication and A2, Written Communication are also reflected in these Learning Outcomes. They are subject to change and updating as we progress. Our Check Out the Library Course is a Work in Progress meant to serve the developing needs of our students.

Library Canvas Course Learning Outcomes as they are Mapped to our Modules for FA2023. Each Module describes these connections in the Module Overview section. More modules are forthcoming, including how to use Interlibrary Loan and how to evaluate sources.

Research as Inquiry

  1. Approach research as an open-ended and continuous cycle and adjust search strategies and questions as new understandings develop.

    • My Library Account | Get Research Help | Find an Article | Find a Book

  2. Develop research questions that require ongoing reflection, open-mindedness, and sustained attention to conflicting information.

    • Find an Article

  3. Demonstrate openness to diverse ideas during the research process, seeking multiple perspectives during information gathering and evaluation.

    • Get Research Help | Find an Article | Find a Book | Cite Your Sources

Searching as Strategic Exploration

  1. Create and use effective search strategies to engage in exploratory, inquiry-based research.

    • My Library Account | Get Research Help | Find an Article | Find a Book

  2. Recognize the essential value of attribution to engage ethically and legally in scholarly conversations.

    • Cite Your Sources

  3. Give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation

    • Cite Your Sources

  4. Explain the role of power and privilege in information production and access.

Information Creation as Process

  1. Explain the distinctive characteristics of different publication types and describe how context and format affect the interpretation and use of content.

    • Find an Article | Find a Book | Printing, Copying, Scanning

  2. Select a source that best meets an information need based on the audience, context, and purpose of various formats.

    • Find an Article | Find a Book | Printing, Copying, Scanning

Authority is Constructed and Contextual

  1. Evaluate information from a variety of perspectives and select the sources whose purpose, authority, and audience are consistent with information needs.

    • Find an Article | Find a Book

Scholarship as Conversation

  1. Recognize that answering complex research questions requires seeking information from diverse perspectives represented over time and synthesizing conflicting evidence.

  2. Compare traditional channels of information with newer and emerging channels in the context of power, privilege, and participation.