Find the best library databases for your research.
AAPG Datapages digitally captures geological publications from many geological societies with a focus on petroleum geology. The indexed collection includes AAPG Bulletin, Environmental Geosciences, the Journal of Petroleum Geology and many more.
AATA Online is a comprehensive database of over 130,000 abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage. AATA now includes selected subject-specific bibliographies produced as part of the Getty Conservation Institute's own conservation and scientific research projects or as part of specific collaborative projects in which the Institute is involved.
A comprehensive business database with over 3,200 journals covering business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information. It consists of: ABI Global, ABI Archive, ABI Images, ABI Trade and Industry, Dateline, Business Dissertations, Hoovers, Oxford Research, Wall Street Journal, SnapShots North American, and EIU. Coverage: 1971 to date.
Current Literature on Aging sponsored by The National Council on the Aging, Inc. (NCOA), a private nonprofit organization which serves as a resource for information, research, training, technical assistance, advocacy, and leadership on aging. Founded in 1950 NCOA has a broad national membership of professionals, volunteers, and organizations that work with, for, and on behalf of older persons. Updated: Quarterly
Comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database with more than 5,300 full text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. Offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
More than 48,000 streaming videos in dozens of subject areas, including anthropology, business, counseling, history, music and film, from producers such as A&E, BBC, Bloomberg, HBO, PBS, Teachers TV, and VideoFashion News. Also includes tools to create custom playlists and learning segments.
An engineering reference (e.g. Handbooks) and teaching platform that delivers interdisciplinary engineering content integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools
Is a digital collection of over 1,700 full text searchable e-books of recommended by humanities scholars.
Full-text access to all Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) publications back to 1950s. Also includes, the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database of computing.
Full text of all years of 30 journals published by the American Chemical Society. Coverage: 1971 to date.
Acta Sanctorum is a principal source for research into the societies and cultures of early Christian and medieval Europe. This collection includes text published over a period of 300 years by the Societe des Bollandistes.
An index to articles on Africa covering geography, history and anthropology to agriculture, women's studies, medicine and health. Majority of journals indexed are published in Africa.
Discover the world history, culture, and migration of people of African descent with a focus on communities in the Caribbean, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, and France. Includes primary source documents, personal papers, journals, newsletters, and court documents.
A database of citations and abstracts of agricultural literature. Topics covered include: animal & veterinary sciences, entomology, plant sciences, forestry, aquaculture & fisheries, farming & farming systems, agricultural economics, extension & education, food & human nutrition, and earth & environmental sciences.
Coverage: 1970-present.
Updated daily.
Abstracts and citations from over 6000 journals, conference proceedings, reports, books and government publications in agriculture; air quality; bacteriology; ecology; ecotourism; energy resources; environmental impact statements; hazardous waste; human population dynamics; industrial hygiene; microbiology; pollution; risk assessment; and toxicology. Coverage: 1967 to date.
Bibliographic (citations) access to all research published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) but the library only has full-text access to selected journals.
Articles from independent or alternative newspapers, magazines, journals and newsletters that are not mainstream media viewpoints or perspectives. Some coverage back to 1970.
Over 700 educational videos in science, history, and literature. Includes: Career Decisions: Physical Therapy; The Neuroscience of Addiction Extended Interviews; Behavioral Science; AP Human Geography; Great Directors; Great Authors; all 37 BBC Shakespeare Plays and more.
Provides 60 years of recent U.S. and Canadian historical and cultural scholarship in thousands of scholarly journals, books, review articles, & Ph.D. dissertations. Topics range from prehistoric times to the present.
This is comprised of three component databases: all can be searched simultaneously.
American Broadsides & Ephemera, 1760-1900. Provides fully searchable facsimile images of approximately 30,000 broadsides & ephemera.
Early American Imprints: Series I, 1639-1800. Is a full text facsimile collection consisting of more than 37,000 books, pamphlets & broadsides.
Early American Imprints: Series II, 1801-1819 provides full-text facsimile access to 36,000 American books, pamphlets & broadsides.
This offers fully searchable, facsimile reproductions of 650 historical American newspapers. Northern & “Old Northwest” newspapers are covered up until 1876. Southern newspaper coverage stops by the 1820s.
Provides full text journal and magazine content, with illustrations, documenting the life of America from colonial times up to the early 20th century.
Provides online data (hospital financial information and utilization data) for over 6,000 hospitals.
The American Indian Experience contains over 150 full-text titles, primary documents and images documenting the American Indian experience. The database includes treaties, speeches, captivity narratives, maps, photographs, traditional tales and access to vetted Web sites.
Contains full text facsimile access to over 1,100 popular & scholarly periodicals published between 1740 and 1900, including special interest & general magazines, literary & professional journals, children’s & women’s magazines, & many other historically-significant periodicals.
American Physical Society (APS) Journals includes Physical Review Letters, Reviews of Modern Physics, Physical Review A (atomic, molecular and optical physics), Physical Review B (condensed matter and materials physics), Physical Review C (nuclear physics), Physical Review D (particle physics), Physical Review E (interdisciplinary); Physical Review X (open access) and Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA)
Articles from Austrian newspapers and magazines from early 1500s to today. Many are in German. Search full text, themes or by year.
Provides critical reviews of over fifty science, medicine, and social science topics. Reviews include what is supported, what is controversial and presents historical context and highlights the major questions that remain. Some coverage back to 1932.
Primary source archival collections from North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific — including key field notebooks, images, and recordings of the early- to mid-20th century.
Includes ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior across the globe.
Worldwide coverage of the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and related interdisciplinary studies.
Coverage: 1880 to present.
Anthropology Plus allows up to five simultaneous users.
Full-text archive and indexing of all American Anthropological Association (AAA) published journals, newsletters, and bulletins.
PsycArticles is a definitive source of searchable full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. The PsycArticles database covers general psychology and specialized, basic, applied, clinical and theoretical research. The database contains more than 40,000 articles from 53 journals - 45 published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and 8 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from each journal.
Coverage: 1985 to present.
Contains abstracts and bibliographic citations for the contents of thousands of journals. Also includes references to dissertations, media, and books. Coverage: 1887 to present. Updated quarterly.
PsycTESTS® is a research database that provides access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
The full-text documents in the Archives of Human Sexuality and Identity: LGBTQ History and Culture include material drawn from hundreds of institutions and organizations, including both major international activist organizations and local, grassroots groups since 1940. They present important aspects of LGBTQ life in the second half of the twentieth century.
Art and Architecture Archive (AAA) is a major research resource comprising the digitized backfiles of many of the foremost art and architecture magazines of the twentieth century.
A project of the J. Paul Getty Trust to provide terminology and other information about the objects, artists, concepts, and places important to various disciplines that specialize in art, architecture, and material culture. The AAT contains generic terms; it contains no proper names.
Art Index includes more than 600 English-language journals worldwide on all aspects of art and artists including advertising, photography, museum studies, archaeology, fashion, and design. Also indexes reproductions of art works and art dissertations. (Funded in part by a grant from the CSULB Alumni Association) Coverage: 1929 to date.
Art songs and arias in any key. Edited and proofed by professional musicians, the collection also includes repertoire from musical theatre, choral works, and opera. Users can request new transpositions if not available.
Artstor is more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences with a suite of software tools to view, present, and manage images for research and pedagogical purposes now completely available in JSTOR. Artstor's separate interface was shut down August 1, 2024. is an open access portal to e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics. Hosted by Cornell University Library.
The ASCE Library provides access to journals and conference proceedings from the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Coverage: 1970 to present.
American Society of Metals (ASM) Handbooks Online (in 30 volumes) is the most comprehensive, peer-reviewed, trusted information on ferrous and non-ferrous metals and materials technology. Updated quarterly.
A growing collection of more than 4500 micrograph images and associated data from the American Society of Metals in cooperation with the International Matellographic Society.
ASME Mechanical Engineering This database provides access to journals and conference papers from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Access to active and historical American Society for Testing Materials standards as well as ASTM journals, symposia papers (STP) of importance to all disciplines in engineering including the field of safety and health.
Please click on 'Yes, I Agree With the License' to access database
Indexes over 1200 scholarly journals, primarily in English, covering topics in the social sciences & humanities. Book reviews are included. Some general subject science material covered as well. Coverage: 1949 to date.
Plays are chosen for literary significance as well as their ability to examine complicated moral and ethical issues. Can be used for research and instruction on issues and hot topics in the humanities, social sciences, theatre, hard sciences, law, medicine and other fields of study.
Featuring some of Britain's most distinguished theatrical talent these films are an ideal choice for literature classes and for continuing personal enjoyment.
The Berg Fashion Library is a online portal that incorporates a full range of resources from a broad range of disciplinary bases – anthropology and material culture, art history, theatre studies, history, sociology, cultural studies, human geography, folklore, and fashion studies.
BHA and RILA (Répertoire de la litterature de l'art) cover European and American visual arts material including articles from over 1,200 journals. These citation databases, searchable together, cover material published between 1975 and 2007
Comprehensive index of over 13 million biographical sketches from current and retrospective reference books, featuring contemporary and historical figures globally. Complete source list available under 'Sources Indexed' on each screen. Updated biannually.
An expansive index to the world’s biology journal literature, with topics ranging from botany to microbiology to pharmacology. 1926 to present.
Birds of the World is a powerful research database that brings together deep, scholarly content from four celebrated works of ornithology with millions of bird observations from eBird and multimedia from the Macaulay Library into a single platform where biologists and birders can explore comprehensive life history information on birds.
Primary source of individual and community activism within the Black abolitionist community. Covering the period 1830-1865, the collection presents the massive, international impact of African American activism against slavery, in the writings and publications of the activists themselves.
Contains African American history, culture, and daily life. Explores how the dominant culture has portrayed and perceived people of African descent. Sourced from more than 19,000 American and global news sources, including over 400 current and historical Black publications. 1976-present available
The Black Studies Center provides access to original articles, scholarly essays, timelines, images, and film clips, in addition to full-text access to The Chicago Defender, 1910-1975.
Coverage: 1910 to date. Updated: monthly.
Features primary sources by major African American leaders, teachers, artists, politicians, athletes, entertainers and other figures covering 250 years of history.
Book Review Digest Retrospective provides review excerpts and citations for over 300,000 adult and juvenile books, totaling over a million citations. Excludes government publications, textbooks, and technical books in sciences and law.
Provides historical background on more than thirty border areas in the world. Collection of text, media, primary sources you can search or use themes such as border disputes, crossings, human trafficking, migration, etc.
Features two parts: 1) International Medieval Bibliography with 300,000+ citations of articles, chapters, and proceedings since 1967; 2) Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale, indexing books and reviews since 1957. Focuses on European and Mediterranean history from 300-1500 AD.
Contains coverage for more than 2,300 journals covering a wide range of business topics. In addition, the databases includes access to company profiles, country reports, industry reports, market research reports and SWOT analyses.
Find academic journal information for publishing research with Cabells suite of tools for identifying over 11,000 academic journals, tools for identifying predatory journals, manuscript preparation tools, and a suite of metrics to help users find the right journals.
This collection contains 492,311 issues comprising 5,430,664 pages and 37,145,576 articles. The California Digital Newspaper Collection is a project of the Center for Bibliographical Studies and Research (CBSR) at the University of California, Riverside.
Full text facsimile content of California newspapers from 1846 to date. Includes Long Beach newspapers, 1938-1977, Orange County Register 1913-2016 and many other regional California newspapers.
Finding tool for federal publications that includes descriptive information for historical and current publications as well as direct links to the full document, when available.
Access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau.
One-stop shopping for federal and California tax information. Tax News from WG&L tax journals; Federal Library Pension & Benefits Library; State & Local Tax Library (including State & Local Taxes Weekly Alert); International Tax Library; Payroll Library; WG&L Financial Reporting and Management Library and Archives
Checkpoint allows up to 35 simultaneous users.
Over 42,000 bibliographic citations on the Chicano and Latino experience in the United States. All subject areas, includes books, Chicano journals, mainstream journals, anthologies of all types, and other forms of publication. 1965 to present.
A large database of Chinese language scholarly publications, journal articles and books. Though CSULB does not have full-text access to the contents, you may be able to adequately identify a foreign language article and try to get it through BeachReach.
Free full text database of historically significant U.S. newspapers published form 1789 to 1963.
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature is a resource for finding nursing and allied health literature: journals, books, pamphlets, audiovisuals, software, research instruments, nursing dissertations, evidence based care sheets, etc. and provides full text for 391 journals, plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials. Coverage: 1937 to present.
Free database of articles held by the Japanese National Diet Library. You can search for ARTICLES, BOOKS or DISSERTATIONS with some full text links to Japanese and English language content.
A collection of 6 databases that provide reliable and up-to-date information about the effects of health care treatments (interventions) and prevention and 2 additional databases that describe the Cochrane Collaboration as an organization. Much of the information is presented in the form of systematic reviews (Cochrane reviews) for practitioners, patients and policy makers. Coverage: 1996 to present. Updated quarterly.
Over 25,000 complete college catalogs from 2-year, 4-year, graduate, professional, and international schools. In addition to current catalogs, many schools have older catalogs available. Tables of Contents and Indexes are linked so one can easily find the sections needed.
Full text primary documents covering the period 1606-1822 from the British Colonial Office relating to North America, including the American Revolution.
Scholarly articles or documents from international publishing institutions, government research organizations, independent think tanks, university analysis centers on international politics and related fields. Includes security studies, global finance, diplomatic practice, humanitarian law, global governance, development studies, and environmental studies.
Provides articles in areas related to communication and mass media. Originated with the acquisition and subsequent merging of two popular databases in the fields of communication and mass media studies -- Communication and Mass Media Complete and Communication Abstracts.
Over 7 million citations and abstracts to journal articles, conference proceedings, and technical reports on all aspects of engineering including civil, computer, mechanical, material, aerospace, electronic, communication, transportation and more. Coverage: 1969 to present.
Many items identified as document type “conference proceeding” “or conference proceedings “or “conference articles” in Compendex are not published, making it difficult for BeachReach (Interlibrary Loan) to obtain a copy. However, authors often publish their findings in journal articles, so searching for the author(s) and their titles/topics may help you locate journal articles on the same topic(s) by the same author(s). If you need help, you may also contact
Provides U.S. federal legislative and agency information through the Library of Congress.
U.S. Government publications U.S. Bills & Laws (1789-2013); House and Senate Hearings & Reports (1817-2018) and Miscellaneous documents (1789-2003); Maps (1789-2007); CRS-Congressional Research Service Reports (1916-2003); Executive Orders & Proclamations (1789-2017)
ProQuest built this database in response to the rapidly growing need for authoritative content related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The company is working together with institutions all over the world to offer support as they navigate through the coronavirus pandemic. This launch of the Coronavirus Research Database is the latest in a series of programs to help librarians, faculty and students.
In-depth reviews of 191 countries, including geographical, political, economic, corporate, and environmental information. Updated with wire service news.
Nonpartisan news and analysis on bills and laws. 1993 to date
Find in-depth coverage of current political events. Each issue provides a summary, the pros-cons, a chronology, and a lengthy bibliography to more sources. 1991 to present.
Comprehensive international coverage of the major journals in criminology and related disciplines. Coverage: 1968 to present. Updated quarterly.
Open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organic compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers.
Includes historical issues of Daily Forty-Niner (1949 - ), Forty-Niter (1958 - 1966), DIG MAG (2014 - ), DÍG EN ESPAÑOL (2019 - ), The Scooper, UniverCity (1973 - 1979), The University Magazine (1973 - 2003), as well as yearbooks. This archive does not include stories that were or are published online-only.
Explore ancient and modern world history through the lives of ordinary people through time. Detailed content about family life, food, clothing, and social customs from prehistory to the new millennium.
"Preserves the visual history of 20th and 21st century dance through 150,000 pages of digitized print materials.” Includes: books, encyclopedias, choreography notes, photographs, dance notation and other material.
U.S. government datasets on economics, healthcare, environment, and public policy. Ideal for political science research and accessing open data resources.
Not only for teaching and research in the growing disciplines of disability history and disability studies, but also in history, media, the arts, political science, education, and other areas where the contributions of the disability community are typically overlooked.
Indexes and abstracts doctoral dissertations and masters theses from over 1,000 North American and European universities. Many are full-text, others can be requested through ILL. CSULB theses published since 1997 are available full text, though recent CSULB theses (within the last six months) may not be available online yet. Coverage: 1637 to date.
More than 800 streaming video documentaries in more than 25 academic subject areas.
Drama Online includes full text plays from both established and new authors along with scholarly analyses and audio and video content. Collections include: The National Theatre Collection, BBC Drama Films & Documentaries, The Hollow Crown and Critical Studies and Performance Practice. Updated annually.
Offers digital access to pre-1701 European books and incunabula in high-resolution color. Includes materials from major libraries like Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Welcome Library London and more.
Since 2017, EarthArXiv publishes preprint articles (not yet peer reviewed/published) from all subdomains of Earth Science and related domains of planetary science. The EarthArXiv platform assigns each submission a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), making it citable in other scholarly works.
EBSCO Open Dissertations: previously American Doctoral Dissertations, 1933-present provides electronic access to the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by American universities during that time period, the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities.
Abstracts that link to scholarly journals, book chapters, and dissertations on topics like accounting, economics, finance, international economics, labor, population forecasting, etc. 1969 to present.
This multi-volume collection contains more than 1,650 hours of video that gives education students a reliable way to observe the intricacies of behavior that define effective teaching styles.
A full text collection of over 100,000 facsimile e-books. Provides full text access to books in many subject areas, including: English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, music, fine arts, education, mathematics, and science.
Access over 180,000 full-text 18th-century titles in various topics, including books, music, and pamphlets. Covers significant English and foreign-language works printed in the UK and thousands from the Americas.
Features rare journals from 1685-1835, shedding light on 18th-century social, political, and literary life. Covers topics from colonial and rural affairs to the French and American revolutions, European literature, fashion reviews, and London coffee house discussions.
Full text access to over 40,000 articles primarily on management and library/information science, but including applied science, technology, and engineering.
Coverage: varies by title (full backfile available for each journal)
Keep your research, notes, and annotations organized and easy to access.
To get started, click the Access Database button above to complete the online registration process. Click here to watch the video that demonstrates how to sign in.
Material from newspapers, websites, journals, case studies, as well as videos, primary footage, and simulations of major engineering failures all exploring issues of engineering ethics.
Brings together multimedia materials around key environmental challenges, including climate change, water/air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, agriculture, deforestation and more.
Education Resource Information Center, Find information about education, including journal articles, teaching guides, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966.
Identifies 250,000 articles in North American and British books, anthologies, and selected serials. Encompasses subjects like archaeology, art, history, music, psychology, and more. Funded by the CSULB Alumni Association.
Newspaper and periodical articles written by and about various ethnic groups in the United States including Latinos/Hispanic, African/Caribbean, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Native American, Eastern European, and Asian American.Coverage: 1959 to date. Updated monthly.
Historic audio recordings from around the world (particularly from the 1960s through the 1980s) and supporting field materials.
Over 1,100 accurate and authorized versions of copyrighted screenplays. Searchable by title, people, genre and awards.
More than 20,000 streaming films in 24 subject areas from major producers, including ABC News, BBC, Frontline, National Geographic, NBC News, NOVA, and PBS.
Covers up to 175 markets worldwide. It provides daily alerts and news stories, country risk ratings, economic analyses and forecasts. It also contains market research and forecast reports covering about 14 industries in 55 countries and a database of thousands of multinational companies.
Food Studies Online is interdisciplinary, but is of primary interest to social scientists and students of policy and business. Marketing and consumerism, food history, food movements, culinary and food design, food and identity, health, policy, religion, sociology, anthropology and history.
Full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals. Hundreds of quality titles from Latin America, Portugal and Spain cover all major subject areas, including agriculture, economics, history, law, literature, psychology and sociology.
A collection of about 900 encyclopedias and other reference books from several publishers across many disciplines that can be searched at one time.
Includes diverse literary criticisms: Contemporary, Twentieth and Nineteenth Century, from 1400-1800, Classical & Medieval, Shakespearean, and Drama Criticism, encompassing a wide range of periods and styles.
40,000 full text articles from more than 100 international journals, books, magazines and newsletters, plus unpublished papers and conference proceedings and nearly 1,000 special reports devoted to gender and women's issues. Includes articles from the Ethnic NewsWatch database on ethnic and minority women and women of color.
Coverage: 1978 to present.
GenderWatch allows up to two simultaneous users.
Provides survey data from personal interview on U.S. households on attitudes, behaviors, and attributes of the American public, from 1972 to the present.
GeoRef contains over 3.5 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses. GeoScienceWorld has over 45 full text journals, some back to the 1920s. Citations from 1785 to present; full text availability varies.
U.S. and international news sources. More than 2,500 news sources including newspapers, newswires, news journals, television and radio transcripts, blogs, podcasts, and digital-only websites in full-text format from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Updated daily.
Full-text country reports including information on society and culture, communications, travel, trade, business, money and banking, country data and maps.
Specialized Google search looking for scholarly literature.
Provides articles on the of human impact to the environment, including global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, etc.
The Harper’s Bazaar Archive includes the backfiles of the US and UK editions of Harper’s Bazaar. In combination, these publications comprise almost 500,000 pages of content from 1867 to the present, representing a vast and indispensable resource for the study of fashion and related fields.
Includes magazines devoted to health and fitness topics. Including Flex, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Women’s Health Activist and more some as far back as 1950. Supports research in topics such as the history of sex roles, body image, fitness/exercise, public health, food/nutrition, and medicine.
Indexes the last 60 years of “modern history” (historical scope, post 1450 to date) and covers over 2000 scholarly journals, books, and Ph.D. dissertations . Does not cover the U.S. and Canada (use America History & Life)
A full text African American newspaper available from 1905-1975. Historical research on civil rights, segregation, African American migration to the industrial states, anti-lynching legislation, and the modern civil rights movement. Also published the works of Black authors, such as Gwendolyn Brooks and Langston Hughes.
Includes Women’s Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Library: Voting Rights, National Politics, and Reproductive Rights; American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971; American Politics and Society from Kennedy to Watergate, 1960-1975; Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century; Workers, Labor Unions, and Radical Politics.
A collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management. Sources include: federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations, think tanks, research centers, and private sector entities.
Scholarly articles and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism domestically and internationally. Covers 1960 - current.
HRMO includes textbooks, book chapters, case studies, corporate training video, sample business documents and executive-oriented research reports.
Access documentation, analysis, and interpretation of major human rights violations and atrocity crimes worldwide from 1900 to 2010. Coverage of Armenia, the Holocaust, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Rwanda, Darfur, and more than thirty additional areas.
Indexes over 1200 scholarly journals, primarily in English published from 1907 – 1984. Book reviews are included. Some general subject science material covered as well. Useful for 20th century history & politics.
Limited to 30 downloads per session. Covers about 680 U.S. industries written at the 5-digit level of NAICS. Each report contains key statistics, market characteristics, segmentation, industry conditions, performance and outlook. These reports are written by industry specialists. Each report is updated every 4 months.
Archives of downloadable datasets from various social science topics for research and instruction. Coverage: 1962 to present.
Use IEEE Xplore to access the full text of IEEE journals, magazines, standards, and conference proceedings. Full text is available for most content from 1988 to present. Covers 1950 to the present. IEEE Xplore allows up to five simultaneous users.
Complete portfolio of journals, 2013-present, from long-standing publisher IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) covering engineering and technology fields
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) provides worldwide financial statistical publications and data back to 1946.
Primary sources covering 20th-century human migration, including firsthand accounts of post-World War II Jewish resettlement, South African apartheid, Latin American migrations to the United States, the first Gulf War and more. Sources include radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, and government documents gathered daily by a U.S. government organization that became part of the CIA. It covers issues such as xenophobia, religious movements, border issues, and the treatment of refugees.
1950 to Date: An open access digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of libraries. Covers topics related to feminism, dissident GIs, campus radicals, Native Americans, anti-war activists, Black Power advocates, Hispanics, LGBT activists, the extreme right-wing press. Includes LA Free Press and Berkeley Barb
Images and descriptive data related to the iconography of works of art produced between late Antiquity and the sixteenth century.
Manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books about indigenous Americans dating from the earliest contact with European settlers. Also includes photographs and newspapers from the mid-twentieth century.
Nearly 200 years of Indigenous print journalism from the US and Canada.
Search for articles or browse the table of contents of journals. The citations are provided but full text is only available for those titles to which are owned by CSULB. Find recommendations to like articles also.
Contains over 60,000 journal articles, books, book articles and dissertation abstracts on all aspects of theatre and performance in 126 countries. Covers 1984 to date. Updated: twice monthly
Financial statistical since 1948 from more than 200 countries gathered the International Monetary Fund. Note only 5 simultaneous users at a time.
IPA Source (International Phonetic Alphabet) “was developed to benefit singers, teachers, and all those interested in the correct and knowledgeable performance of vocal literature. The goal of IPA Source is to promote the comprehension and accurate pronunciation of foreign language texts in art song and opera in order that the singer may imbue each syllable with the appropriate emotional content. IPA Source offers texts to works for the solo voice in Latin, Italian, German, French, Spanish, and English.”
U.S. sampling of registered voters on public opinions. Find aggregated question-level data and other survey data only at the national level.
One of the most authoritative, encyclopedic resources for the study of fragmentary ancient Greek historians. Updated twice a year.
Allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from approximately 12,000 scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries. Citation data on journals in virtually all specialties in the areas of science, technology, and social sciences.
JoVE Developmental Biology includes methods for the study of biological development at all levels, from cellular to whole organisms. Specific topics include gametogenesis and fertilization, embryogenesis, morphogenesis and organogenesis, stem cell biology and nuclear reprogramming, regeneration and repair, mechanisms of differentiation, genetic and epigenetic control of development, evolutionary developmental biology, aging and senescence.
JoVE Neuroscience includes methods and techniques for studying the brain and nervous system; also featuring potential treatments for neurological conditions and diseases.
Educators and students use our innovative video collections in the JoVE Science Education Library to better teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques. These simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations cover a wide range of STEM subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Psychology, Clinical Medicine and Engineering.
Archive of scholarly journals cover to cover. Interdisciplinary coverage of journals back to the first issue through to the last few years. Also includes over 2 million images originally from Artstor.
Streaming video service with more than 26,000 films including titles from PBS, BBC, Criterion Collection, Media Education Foundation and more.
Full-text access, including interactive tables and graphs to engineering handbooks in: aerospace and radar technology, biochemistry, biology and biotechnology, chemistry and chemical engineering, civil engineering and construction materials, environmental engineering, food science, general engineering, mechanics and mechanical engineering, regulatory information, safety and industrial hygiene and sustainable energy.
Includes 60 years of scholarship on Greco-Roman antiquity, covering history, religion, philosophy, archaeology, and literature. Spanning from the 2nd millennium BCE to the early Middle Ages.
Scholarly journal articles published by universities and institutes in South and Central Latin America, the Caribbean, and Mexico . Majority of the articles are in Spanish but also includes English and Portuguese. Topics include finance, literature, environment, history, law and culture.
Original-language documentaries from some of the most important producers and independent filmmakers in Latin America. The videos were produced in Latin America, by Latin Americans, about Latin American issues, such as human rights, violence, immigration, illiteracy, popular culture, and political history. The first of its kind, the collection’s materials are presented in their original language with abstracts and indexing in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
The Latino American Experience contains over 200 full-text titles from encyclopedias and biographies, primary documents in English and Spanish, and images documenting the Latino American experience. The database includes treaties, speeches, timelines, classroom lesson plans, and access to vetted websites.
U.S. Government publications U.S. Bills & Laws (1789-2013); House and Senate Hearings & Reports (1817-2018) and Miscellaneous documents (1789-2003); Maps (1789-2007); CRS-Congressional Research Service Reports (1916-2003); Executive Orders & Proclamations (1789-2017).
Rare archival content, including letters, court documents, periodicals, speeches, interviews and ephemera from local, national and international organizations, as well as notable individuals from around the world, to trace the history of LGBT political, social and cultural movements from the late 19th century to the present day.
Popular ebooks and audiobooks that you can read and listen to through the Libby app on your personal device.
LISTA indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management as far back as the mid-1960s.
Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde is a bibliographic database in medicine and health sciences, maintained by the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. Similar to MEDLINE, it indexes papers that have been published in medical journals of the region.
Business, software, technology and creative skills training from a leading online learning company. Brush up on existing skills or learn new subjects. High-quality, current, and engaging video tutorials taught by recognized industry experts.
Harvard's Loeb Classical Library presents over 520 volumes of Greek and Latin classics, including poetry, drama, history, philosophy, and science, with reliable texts and English translations.
Coverage back to 1985 includes the complete text of recent articles from the Los Angeles Times. Includes not only top news stories, but also detailed information on the arts, sports, business, and popular culture. Even such items as editorials, editorial cartoons, obituaries, and letters to the editor from well-known people are indexed. See also Historical Los Angeles Times for pre-1985 issues.
LWW (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) Nursing & Health Professions Premier Collection is a database of full-text articles from 70 LWW journals that is searchable using the Ovid interface.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) defenses freedoms of all citizens. These primary source papers cover 1912-1990 focusing on civil rights, civil liberties, race, gender, and issues relating to the U.S. Supreme Court.
This unique manuscript collection offers digital access to the papers of the Southern Regional Office of the American Civil Liberties Union, primarily in the period 1945 to 1990. The collection has never been scanned or filmed before, and covers topics including school segregation; local challenges to busing; the suppression of voting rights; student anti-war protest; and legal cases relating to women, sexism, and overtime pay. The archive consists of memos, court documents, amicus briefs, publications, testimony, administrative files, personnel records, meeting minutes, and files related to the history of the Southern Regional Office.
Market Share Reporter offers an overview of companies, products and services. It is arranged by four-digit SIC code. Each entry features a descriptive title; data and market description; a list of producers/ products along with their market share. We have access to multiple years with the ability to extract, download and analyze the content in a spreadsheet.
Designed for high school libraries, contains full text of popular high school magazines, full text reference books, biographies, primary source documents, and a School Image Collection (back to 1975 for key magazines)
This collection examines prison populations and their relationship to major prison labor systems; and how correctional facilities may serve as central service providers for those with mental health issues.
Contains almost 3 million items and over 1.7 million direct links to original articles. Bibliographic data dates back to the early 1800s.
Consisting of the Paston Family Papers, Medieval Family Life enables access to Britain’s first surviving records of private correspondence, describing everyday life in East Anglia during the Wars of the Roses.
A weekly American television news/interview program broadcast on NBC. Contains episodes from 1947 to 2013. There are interviews with leaders on politics, economics, foreign policy and other public affairs, with panel discussions providing opinions and analysis.
Trial as potential for replacement of Mergent Online, which will sunset in Summer 2025.
A collection of articles, government documents and images on international affairs, military and security issues, political science, law enforcement and technology of weapons from 1960 to present.
Details over 7,100 journals, including 4,400 in the MLA International Bibliography. Includes editorial contacts, frequency, circulation, pricing, submission guidelines, and article/review statistics. Updated ten times annually.
Citations to scholarly works on literatures, languages, linguistics, folklore, literary theory, dramatic arts, and printing history since the 5th century CE. Also includes rhetoric and teaching practices. Covers 1926 to present, updated ten times yearly.
Music Online: Classical Scores Library, Volume I contains over 400,000 pages of downloadable music scores. Content comes mainly from the Renaissance through Romantic periods with some titles from contemporary composers. All major music genres are included.
Provides full text of NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) Working Papers back to March 1998 as PDFs. The NBER is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research organization based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Complete catalogs or selected recordings of over 940 record labels. Classical music, Jazz, World, Folk and Chinese music. Includes composer info and biographies, libretti, pronunciation guides, aural training guides and more. Naxos app available for mobile devices.
Naxos only allows 15 simultaneous users.
An encyclopedia for Greco-Roman culture and its modern influence ideal for experts and newcomers. Features clear entries, illustrations, maps, tables, and translations of Latin and Greek quotations.
Newsbank has 900+ news services. The majority are California news sources with national political magazines, news transcripts and blogs.
Provides a unique and personal view of what it meant to immigrate to America and Canada. ... Several thousand pages of Ellis Island Oral History interviews, indexed and searchable for the first time, are included, along with thousands of political cartoons.
Contains 256 plays by 49 playwrights representing the stories and creative energies of American Indian and First Nation playwrights of the twentieth century.
NARA covers the latest information on all issues related to food and health and features all aspects of human nutrition, including: techniques, foods, physiology and biochemistry, nutrition and health, and clinical nutrition. Covers: 1994- . Updated weekly.
Covers the whole food chain from the raw ingredients to the physiological and health effects of nutrients. Key subject areas include public health, clinical nutrition, nutrition physiology, food safety, food security, consumer behavior, food science and technology, and food product groups such as functional foods.
Over 2000 e-books from O' Reilly, Que, Sams, Addison-Wesley, Prentice Hall and Peachpit Press covering computing, databases, operating systems, programming, XML, Java and web design, as well as a broad range of business topics. Covers: Current year plus two previous calendar years.
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A collection of viewpoints from various sources on social issues, such as gun control, genetic engineering, censorship, abortion, endangered species, to name a few. Includes relevant articles, encyclopedia entries and opinions for each topic covered.
Oxford Journals Online consists of almost 200 selected online journals from arts, social science, scientific, technical, medical, professional, and humanities disciplines.
Coverage: 1996 to date.
Updated continuously.
The OED is the authoritative dictionary on the English language; the online version contains the 20 volumes of the print version, with revisions. Updates quarterly.
OED allows 15 simultaneous users.
Contains documentaries and series featuring diverse content in science, culture, history, art, literature, business, economics and more.
The Physiotherapy Evidence Database is a free database of over 18,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. Provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible. All trials on PEDro are independently assessed for quality.
Free access to a wide variety of French-language scientific publications (journals, books, conference proceedings, serials, primary sources, etc.) Persée is maintained by L'Université de Lyon
Create maps, tables, and reports with PolicyMap an online mapping tool with data on demographics, real estate, health, jobs and more in communities across the United States.
Collection of primary documents covering a range of fringe political movements and a broad assortment of both far-right and radical left political groups. Cover 1900s to 2010 when the world saw the formation of several movements. Some collections included are Hall-Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Printed Propaganda; John Birch Society; Black Panthers; Norwegian Nazi Party; American Radicalism Collection; Searchlight Archive; and more.
Proquest's portal to their Dissertations and Theses that are freely available on the web. See the database Dissertations and Theses for more options subscribed to by CSULB.
Provides the full-text electronic versions of more than 200 scholarly journals. Updated monthly.
Documentary films, video clips, documents and interviews on classic psychology experiments and historically important psychologists. Includes experiments such as the Stanford Prison Experiment, Pavlov’s dogs, and the Black Doll/White Doll experiment on internalized racism.
Published International Literature On Traumatic Stress (PILOTS) database is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. and includes citations to all literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental-health sequelae of traumatic events 1871 - present.
Articles in areas related to public administration, including public administration theory, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline, like urbanism, transportation, police administration, recreation, housing, etc.
Provides access to MEDLINE, Pre-MEDLINE, additional life science journals, and molecular biology databases. If articles have no free full text use Get It@CSULB. Medline covers 1940's to present, updated daily.
These diaries cover the period from Queen Victoria's childhood days to her Accession to the Throne, marriage to Prince Albert, and her Golden and Diamond Jubilees.
Primary source exhibits of queer history and culture. Uses “queer” in its broadest and most inclusive sense to embrace topics that are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender and also include work on sexual and gender formations that are queer but not necessarily LGBT. Each of the document collections include a critical introductory essay that helps explain the significance of the primary sources.
Contains speeches, reports, surveys and analyses produced by the Race Relations Department at Fisk University and the the American Missionary Association. Contributors include Charles S. Johnson and Thurgood Marshall.
Readers' Guide Retrospective contains comprehensive indexing of popular general-interest periodicals published in the United States published 1890-1982.
Provides full-text access to articles in the social and natural sciences and the humanities from journals and scholars based in Latin America, Spain, Portugal, and the Caribbean. Supported by Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México.
Religions of America traces the history and unique character of religious movements that originated in or were re-shaped by the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The collection pays especially close attention to America's unique role as a birthplace for new religious movements, especially after World War II. This collection includes materials from a variety of sources in an effort to capture the varieties of the American religious experience.
Examines the most studied and important events and themes related to revolution and protest from the 18th century through the early 21st century. 30+ thematic units representing a variety of time periods, regions, and topics.
RMA Estatement Studies is the online version of RMA Annual Statement Studies. It combines Financial Ratio Benchmarks and Industry Default Probabilities and Cash Flow Measures.
Provides high-definition recordings of Shakespeare's plays with top actors and directors, accompanied by teaching materials to support engagement and learning.
Provides comprehensive access to the Society of Automotive Engineers technical papers, standards, specifications and journals back to 2008
Over 440 journals in social science, scientific, medical, professional and business disciplines.
Coverage: 1999 to present.
This collection contains videos covering a range of methods needed to carry out effective market research, from traditional techniques to new developments in the field.
With access to Chemical Abstracts and the CAS Registry file, SciFinder is the most comprehensive chemical resource including references, substances and reactions. Users must register individually using a CSULB e-mail address to access SciFinder.
Primary materials on world conflicts, terrorism and counterterrorism, cybersecurity and ethnic conflicts and resolutions.
Shakespeare Survey, publishing since 1948, offers a series of studies and production critiques on Shakespeare. Features prominent international scholarship and classic critical essays.
CSULB subcribes to a few of The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) journals. This provides direct access to those journals.
Also includes IT and Desktop Video collection. Full text of IT books on hundreds of different technology topics. Includes books from premier industry publishers, such as Wrox, McGraw-Hill, and Microsoft Press as well as popular book series, such as The Complete Reference, Inside Out, and Bibles.
Allows up to 6 simultaneous users. Formerly called Books 24/7.
Smithsonian Global Sound, produced in partnership with Smithsonian Folkways Recordings is a virtual encyclopedia of the world’s music and aural traditions. It contains over 3000 albums of folk, blues, jazz, spoken word and world music.
Provides thousands of interactive and downloadable data maps, charts, and reports with built-in data indicators related to demographic, economy, health, politics, crime, and environmental information in the USA.
Provides abstracts from 1,300+ journals and dissertations in fields of social work, human services, social welfare, social policy and community development. Has automatic citation builder. 1979 to present.
Abstracts available January 1994 - current.
With over 100 hours of video and 50,000 pages of text this collection addresses the essential concepts students will employ in their everyday work as practitioners.
Abstracts and links to articles in anthropology, criminal justice, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, politics, psychology, religion, sociology, social work & many others. Articles back to 1940.
The SPIE Digital Library (The International Society for Optical Engineering now simply known as SPIE) is the most extensive research database available on optics and photonics covering biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging. The database contains all the proceedings papers published from 1962 to date, journal articles and Ebooks published by SPIE; 18,000 new papers are added annually.
Reports that provide an aggregate of a variety of data, mainly statistics. Search for data by industry, political issue, consumerism, companies or countries. The data reports provide sourcing information.
Streaming over 100 major motion pictures that are the most-requested feature films for curriculum support. Students, faculty and staff are able to stream the movies and faculty may link the movies in Canvas and/or show during class.
More than 1,000 of the talks presented at the semi-annual TED Conferences.
Primary documents and scholarly commentary about America between the end of the Civil War and the election of Theodore Rooseveltt. Includes rare materials, songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera. Essays covering such themes as race, labor, immigration, commerce, western expansion, and women’s suffrage illuminate the cultural landscape of the time .
Diaries, letters, autobiographies and other memoirs, written and oral histories, manifestos, government documents, videos, alternative press newsletters, cartoons, political buttons, etc.
Digital library of Greek literature, digitizing texts from Homer to Byzantium's fall in AD 1453. Aims to be a complete digital collection of Greek literature from antiquity to present.
*Individual registration required*
Full text online coverage of the Times (of London, England) from 1785 up until five years ago ( a moving wall). Includes news articles, reviews, commentary, literary criticism, editorials, obituaries, ads. Many images, maps, graphics and photographs are viewable starting by the 1880s. No coverage of the Sunday Times (of London) is included.
U.S. merchandise trade statistics at both national and state levels. Graphics, data tables, and thematic maps can be custom-tailored to user needs. Data on major geographic regions (e.g., Middle East) and trade regions (e.g., NAFTA) are pre-aggregated. Can tabulate national trade statistics using three major product classification systems (HS, NAICs, or SITC).
National and regional statistics from 70 federal agencies supplemented with links to non-governmental and international statistics sites. Maintained by the Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy.
Ulrich's™ provides comprehensive bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,000 periodicals, including type of periodical, frequency of publication, format, ISSN, subject and LC classifications and price information.
Underground and Independent Comics is the first scholarly collection for adult comics and graphic novels. It spans pre-Comics Code works to modern global releases, covering the full range of this art form.
The U.S. government's official search engine to all federal, state, and local government information and services.
Dedicated to making the audio-visual interviews of survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and other genocides, the USC Shoah Foundation: The Institute for Visual History and Education provides a compelling voice for education, research, and action.
Information and advice on approximately 1700 stocks, more than 90 industries, the stock market, and the economy. Provides year-ahead to three- to five-year probable relative price performance, projections of key financial measures, and commentary on current operations and future prospects. Last 5 years worth of stock information. Allows 3 simultaneous users.
The Vogue Archive presents the full run of the American Vogue, 1892 to present, for the library market. Every page, cover, advertisement, image, and fold out is indexed, searchable, and viewable in beautiful high-resolution color.
Provides access to high-quality research from the world's leading arts, humanities, science and social science journals. Includes a Cited Reference search. Online coverage is 1993-present. Earlier print versions are in the library.
Full-text to federal and state cases, statutes, regulations and administrative codes, as well as international law, law encyclopedias, and law reviews. Business news and company legal tax filing information.
Access to over 1400 online journals from publisher Wiley-Blackwell in the fields of science, technology, engineering, medicine, mathematics, computer science, business, education, environmental science, humanities, law, and psychology. Full page images are available in PDF format and, in some cases, full text in HTML format is also available.
Contains over 5,100 documents and 175,000 pages of full-text documents that focus on U.S. women’s history from 1600-2000. Includes documents related to the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Woman Suffrage Movement, Civil Rights Movement, and others. Includes Women and Social Movements in the United States,1600-2000; Women and Social Movements, International - 1840 to Present; Women and Social Movements in Modern Empires Since 1820; and Women and Social Movements: Development and the Global South, 1919 - 2019
Collection 1 & 2 (1846 - 2005) Access to the backfiles of the foremost titles of this type, including Good Housekeeping, Ladies’ Home Journal, and Woman’s Day, which serve as canonical records of evolving assumptions about gender roles and cultural mores.
Global archive of primary sources on the social, political, and professional aspects of women's lives. Includes records from Planned Parenthood, the Malthusian League, the Women Pioneers and Women Missionaries collections, the Women’s Labor League and Trade Union League collections, and others.
Women's Wear Daily magazine on fashion, marketing, retail business, and twentieth-century material culture. Holdings from 1910 to most recent six months.
Provides Jonson's complete writings with contemporary editorial insights and scholarly interpretations. First digital edition to reveal his composition processes and editorial decisions behind the modernized texts.
Showcases unique periodicals from 1940-present published in the US, UK, and Canada, Topics include trends of youth culture such as fashion, rock and roll, sports, sexuality, dating, as well as youth portrayal in the media. Provides insight into what has and continues to influence youth culture, especially during times of rapid social and cultural change.
The world’s leading taxonomic reference and oldest (back to 1864) continuing database of animal biology where you can determine the first appearance of an animal name or new species, track taxonomic and nomenclatural changes and keep up all aspects of animal biology and biodiversity issues.
Features publications of all kinds, from political party newspapers to major dailies papers published by African Americans, Native Americans, women's rights groups, labor groups, and the Confederacy.