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Social Work 465

A guide to resources for research methods in Social Work

For assistance, both academic and personal, as well as important policy information.

Academic Technology Services (ATS): For assistance with all campus technology.

Accessibility Policy, CSULB: The official policy of the campus on support for students with physical, psychological, and/or emotional challenges.

Basic Needs: If you are having trouble affording enough food to eat, do not have a safe and reliable place to sleep, and/or experiencing an emergency or crisis, then the Basic Needs Program is here to help. The Basic Needs Program provides emergency services and resources for students.  The Basic Needs Program recognizes that not having your basic needs met can affect your performance in the classroom, and they are here to support you and help ensure you get to your graduation day. They look forward to being of service to you.

Bob Murphy Access Center: The mission of the Center is to assist students with disabilities as they secure their university degrees at California State University, Long Beach. They provide services to over 1,500 students each semester. Over 10,000 students with disabilities have graduated from California State University, Long Beach with their support.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): CAPS helps students meet the personal challenges associated with identifying and accomplishing academic, career, and life goals. Their services include short-term counseling for individuals, group counseling, career development counseling, referral services, psychoeducational workshops, and crisis intervention.

Dream Success Center: Undocumented students are welcome at CSULB. If you are undocumented and need assistance with successfully completing courses or a degree at CSULB, the staff of the Dream Success Center can help you with advising, campus services, legal immigration support, and other university resources. Visit the Dream Success Center in the Student Success Center, room 290, or contact them at (562) 985-5869 or via email at

Student Health Services: Student Health Services supports academic excellence by promoting physical and mental well-being, through affordable quality health services and education. The center offers pharmacy services, behavioral health support, sexual health counseling, tobacco cessation and more.

Student Resources During COVID-19 Social Distancing: This 57 page document (Google Docs) provides information on a immense number of resources, including Covid-19 testing.

Title IX at the Beach: Title IX prohibits gender discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. If you have experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, dating/domestic violence, or stalking, the Campus Confidential Advocate is available to help. Free and confidential support and accommodation are available (email:, or phone: 562-985-2668) as well as referrals for victims without having to report the assault to campus authorities.

University Writing Center: The primary mission of the University Writing Center is to provide individualized writing instruction (tutoring) to CSULB students. The UWC takes a contextual and holistic approach to developing successful writing skills in both experienced and beginning writers.