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NUTR 337 Introduction to Nutrition Research Methods

Here you will find research tips and links to resources to help Nutrition & Dietetics students with their research

Citation / Bibliographic Management tools

Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you

  • Collect references 
  • Cite your references 
  • Create bibliographies    
  • Share your sources

Go to Mendeley to create your account.

Upload documents from other reference managers


Upload documents and folders

Automatically upload your documents and citations from other reference managers or drag-and-drop folders / documents into your Mendeley Library.

Here's a short video of how the Mendeley drag & drop, and editing features work

Mendeley Folders


Mendeley Folders and Sub-Folders

Create folders and sub-folders to organize your Mendeley library

Mendeley Web Importer

Import citation information and documents from online searches, web pages or databases directly into your Mendeley library with Mendeley Web Importer

Run an online, or Google Scholar search

Install Web Importer to your browser's tool bar then click the icon to open your Mendeley Library, then click Add to import items to your library.

Run a database searchRun database search then select Web Importer, Mendeley locates PDFs, select the check boxes to the articles you want, then select Add,

Mendeley Cite

Mendeley Cite Add-in

Insert references and bibliographies into your document using the citation add-in tool, Mendeley Cite

Here's a look at how to create in-text citations in Word using Mendeley Cite

Mendeley Resource Center


Mendeley Resource Center

Additional resources to help you get started and answer questions about using Mendeley

  1. Mendeley Resource Center 
  2. Getting Started with Mendeley