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IS 100

A course guide to assist students taking IS 100

Getting Started

Once you decide which database you want to search you will need to construct a search statement. Think about your research topic.

If you are interested in the topic: Is our food supply safe? You would choose the keywords in that statement and use those to construct a search. So maybe you would start with the three (3) keywords: FOOD SUPPLY and SAFETY. That search could get you started in the database.

Remember once you conduct a search in the database you want to look for the subject headings. Then you can revise your original search by using the subject headings you find. In this case working in Academic Search Complete I found the following subject headings:

FOOD--Safety measures

FOOD SUPPLY-- Safety measures

Always look for the subject headings that you find once you conduct a keyword search. Using subject headings will refine and focus your search.

Search Statements

Once you have created a research question you can now break that question into keywords. This is an important step. You will use these keywords to start your search in the database. You should think about the keywords and come up with synonyms or alternate spellings for those keywords. The best way to start a search for articles in an article database is by using keywords. If one combination of keywords doesn't work you want to be ready to use alternate words that could offer you better results. Use this table below to help you list keywords and their synonyms.

Create Your Search Statement: 


Synonyms or Alternate Spellings