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Frequently Cited Journals

This is a brief list of important journals in Geology.  

Journal Title

Print Call Number

Electronic Full Text


QE 1.G528 (1973 to 2005)

(1988 to present)


QE 581.S44 (1962 to present)

(1997 to present)

Journal of Geology

QE 1.J8 (1934 to 2003)

(1994 to 1 year ago)

Quaternary Science Reviews


(1995 to present)

Sedimentary Geology

QE 571.S393 (1967 to 1997)

(1995 to present)

Journal of Sedimentary Research

QE 420.J687 (1996 to present)

(1931 to present)

Journal of Sedimentary Petrology

QE 471.J6 (1931 to 1993)

(1931 to present)

Journal of Sedimentary Research.
Section B, Stratigraphy and Global Studies

QE 640.J68 (1994 to 1995)

(1931 to present)

Journal of Sedimentary Research.
Section A, Sedimentary Petrology and Process

QE 420.J687 (1994 to 1995)

(1931 to present)

Journal of Metamorphic Geology

QE 475.A2.J68 (1986 to 1996)

(1998 to 1 year ago)

Ore Geology Reviews


(1995 to present)

Geophysical Research Letters

QE 500.G37 (1974 to present)


Journal of geophysical research:
Solid Earth

QC 811.J6232 (1995 to present)


Limnology and Oceanography

GC 1.L5 (2003 to present)

(1956 to 4 years ago)

Note: Print collections may be on different floors (or in microform) by year. Check OneSearch catalog by the journal title for the exact location of the year you are looking for.

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