CISN: California Integrated Seismic Network (
Also try Southern California Seismic Network, Southern California Earthquake Center, and Advanced National Seismic System
UC Berkeley National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering (
Including a database of images of over 280 earthquakes.
USGS Earthquake Hazards (
Maps and statistics on earthquakes, information on reducing earthquake hazards, seismographic studies, and numerous links to other web sites.
Also try Earthquake Hazards Program-Southern California
PEER: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (
The PEER mission is to develop, validate, and disseminate performance-based seismic design technologies for buildings and infrastructure to meet the diverse economic and safety needs of owners and society.
Quakeline Database (
covers earthquakes, earthquake engineering, natural hazard and disaster mitigation, and related topics.
Geologic Hazards Team (
Lots of information on earthquakes, landslides, and geomagnetism. Interactive maps are provided.
HAZLIT Database (
Searchable database from the Library of Natural Hazards Center at the University of Colorado.
MTU Volcanoes (
From Michigan Tech University