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History Course Guides: History 499 Frontiers

Course Guides Used for Library Instruction in History Research

History 499 Library Instruction Handout

History 499, Frontiers
Colonial American History, Library Resources
Greg Armento (Fall 2017), 562-985-4367 

·         For more research options, go to United States History Research Guide 


1. If you place an asterisk* at the end of the word, you will catch all word variants. So if you type in word*, it will find all subject headings using the terms: word or words or wordiness or wordy or wordsmith, etc. (Don't use the asterisk a google search. It does not work)

2. If you want to force word adjacency or find a phrase, such as "slave rebellion",  or "wonders of nature" but your words in quotation marks as shown. 

3. If you want synonyms in a search, make capitalize OR (slaves OR servitude OR bondage OR indentured)

FINDING HISTORY BOOKS (print and online)

Use OneSearch Book Search to find books and media we have.

If you want higher relevancy in your results, try a OneSearch Subject Keyword Search for terms within a subject (or descriptor) heading, and will result in more highly relevant books.

Try some of these subject keyword combinations below in conjunction with an a secondary topic of interest.

For finding primary materials, use some of these subject keywords below with another topic of interest:

sources      personal narrative*     interview*      diaries      oral histor*       biograph*     correspondence      papers      letters

  • Using any of the above techniques, also conduct the exact same search using CSU+ to find even more materials at nearby CSU libraries.
  • Use WORLDCAT for hard to find books and archival material around the world. It identifies over 100 million titles. 
  • Use ARCHIVESGRID will find archival repositories around the U.S.


Academic Search Complete (Comprehensive interdisciplinary access to nearly 3000 scholarly journals. 

American Periodical Series Online 1700-1940 Full text online scholarly and popular articles.

America’s Historical Imprints 1640-1830 Early American publications, books, broadsides and pamphlets, full text.

America's Historical Newspapers Online 1680-1870 (Full text newspapers from the late 1600s to mid 1800s).

ArtStor historical archive of photographs, images, artwork, pictures, paintings from ancient times to the present. (Also consider GETTY IMAGES to find early photographs, drawings, etchings of frontier life)

Congressional Hearings 1824 - 2003. Full text .hearings, testimony, interviews used in preparation for Congressional action, laws, resolutions.

Dissertations and Theses (Full text access to book length PhD writings. Good for original research.)

Early English Books Online 1437 - 1700 Full text collection of nearly 100,000 early English books: a pivotal period in British colonization of North America.

Global Newsstream Thousands of U.S. and international newspapers full text covering the last 30+ years.

GreenFile Covers environmental planning, conservation biology and ecology and all aspects of the human impact on environment.

Handbook of Latin American Studies Online is a scholarly multidisciplinary bibliography of Latin American studies covering the social sciences and humanities. Articles date back to 1936.

Historical Abstracts (For scholarly articles on World History published since the 1950s) and America History and Life (for U.S & Canadian History)

Historical New York Times 1851-2012 (Full text content to newspaper) and Historical Los Angeles Times 1881-1993

JSTOR (Full text online archive to hundreds of scholarly journals dating back to the 1800s.)

Times of London Digital Archive, 1785-2008 (Daily edition excluding Sunday. Full text content to newspaper)




site:edu (for U.S. academic sites)

site:gov (for government sites

site:org (for nonprofit organizations, museums, institutes)

site:int (for international organizations such as UN


  • Use Google Scholar to find a wide range of interdisciplinary scholarly journals. You may be able to open many of these articles if searching on our campus (since it knows our IP address and what we subscribe to.)

See this google scholar search for Denmark Vesey articles

  • Use Google Books to identify a wide array of books that might exist on your topic. You can then check our COAST catalog or LINK+ to see if it can be borrowed quickly.

See these google books search results for the EARLIEST Denmark Vesey titles


See these google book results for (slave OR slavery OR servile) (insurrection OR uprising OR revolt) (Carolinas OR "South Carolina")