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MBA@CSULB Library: Quick Tips for Databases

a research guide to University Library resources

ABI Inform Complete

ABI Inform Complete is a comprehensive business database with over 3,200 journals covering business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information.

  • AND searches for the terms in the same paragraph
  • OR either of the words before or after OR can appear in the article
  • W/# searches for words within the specified number of words from each other (airport W/5 security)truncation symbol * (teen* = teens, teenager, teenagers ...)
  • wildcard symbol ? (globali? =  globalisation or globalization)

Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier offers articles from more than 2,300 journals. In addition, this resource contains company profiles, country reports, SWOT analyses, industry reports, and market research reports.

  • AND in the search requires that all the terms appear in the document
  • OR requires that at least one of the terms appears in the document
  • NOT excludes terms from the document
  • truncation symbol * (teen* = teens, teenager, teenagers ...)
  • wildcard symbol ? (globali?ation = globalisation or globalization)


IBISWorld Industry Market Research reports covers about 680 U.S. industries written at the 5-digit level of NAICS. Each report contains key statistics, market characteristics, segmentation, industry conditions, performance and outlook. These reports are written by industry specialists.

In addition, this database provides access to 75 global industry reports.The reports offer up-to-date forecasts and analysis with a focus on industry performance in key regions like Europe, the Middle East, Africa and more. Each report consists of 30 to 40 pages of key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and historical performance, major industry participants and more.

Access to US reports by keywords or browse the list of industries arranged by NAICS code. The global reports can be browsed or searched by keyword.

Value Line Investment Survey

Value Line Investment Survey is a comprehensive source of information and advice on approximately 1700 stocks, more than 90 industries, the stock market, and the economy.

You will automatically access the BROWSE RESEARCH portion of the database. This term is located in the black bar near the top of the screen.

To search by company name or ticker symbol use the search bar in the upper right corner of the initial search screen.

If you change the access from BROWSE RESEARCH to MARKETS you will be able to search and see industry content.


Country Information

Use one or both of the following databases to obtain extensive information about a country.

CountryWatch: has in-depth reviews of 191 countries

  • use the Quick Links box on the left side of the initial search screen to choose your country
  • on the next screen look at the menu that appears on the left side of the screen and choose the topic you want to read about
  • to download a PDF of the country report you are looking at page down and look for COUNTRY PDF DOWNLOAD and then click on COUNTRY REVIEW to see the PDF of the report
  • once you see the PDF of the Country review you can download it to the computer that you are viewing it on