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NUTR 501 Research Methods

This guide guide presents a collection of informational resources to support the graduate level research process for NUTR & Dietetics graduate students.

Stages to Literature Review

Stages to Literature Review:

A literature review is a critical account of the methodologies and data on your research topic by accredited researchers in the field. The following is a list of search techniques to guide the process:

1. Topic Exploration and Refinement:

  • Sign-up for Alerts: Stay updated on new content in your field by registering for updates and alerts. For more details on setting these up, see the About Alerts tab.
  • Identify Research Gaps: Review literature reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses related to your topic to find gap statements. These are specific unanswered questions often located in the discussion or conclusion sections of articles, crucial for formulating your research question and hypotheses. Watch this video to learn more

2. Identify Keywords for Your Topic

  • Compile a list of relevant keywords and synonyms for your literature search.
  • Test these keywords in appropriate databases. Check if they appear in article titles.
  • If keywords are absent in titles, consult MeSH for alternative terms.
  • Note the author-supplied keywords in pertinent articles.
  • Review your initial search results to assess the effectiveness of your search strategy.
  • Refine your keywords and search parameters based on preliminary findings.

3. Citation Linking:

  • Use citation linking tools and cited reference searches to track influential works and discover additional relevant sources.
  • Review the bibliography or references lists of key materials to identify further readings

6. Material Collection and Organization:

  • Organize collected materials based on research methodology, study design, relevance, and other appropriate criteria.
  • Use tools like Mendeley, or Zotero to manage and organize your references efficiently into folder/sub-folders.

7. Analysis and Interpretation:

  • Discuss and analyze the findings and conclusions of the relevant literature you've gathered.
  • Organize literature according to key elements of the research studies such as methodology.
  • Address the evolution of research on your topic, highlighting the progression and changes in understanding over time.
  • Explore relationships within the literature, such as common methods, procedures, analysis techniques, and recurring themes.

8. Developing Your Own Ideas:

  • Synthesize your own insights and interpretations based on the findings of the reviewed literature.
  • Identify gaps, controversies, or areas where your thesis could contribute new perspectives or ideas.
  • Consider how your own research could build upon or challenge existing research in the field.
  • Ensure that each stage is well-documented, and maintain a structured approach to your literature review process. 

Literature Review More Help

Literature Review - More Help


Use these links to find more information on preparing a literature review

Visit this University of Toronto page for a comprehensive guide on structuring and writing a literature review, offering step-by-step instructions and practical tips

Explore the University of North Carolina Writing Center's page for detailed insights on planning, researching, and composing effective literature reviews.

Check out this UC Santa Cruz Library guide for a thorough overview of the literature review process, including strategies for writing and examples of successful reviews.

Utilize this Arizona State University LibGuide for essential resources and expert advice on conducting and writing a literature review in various academic disciplines.

This video tutorial from North Carolina State University also provides a good overview of the literature review:

Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students