Citation generators create citations for you in MLA, APA, Chicago, etc. Use the citation builders listed below to create citations for your bibliography.
Also, many research databases (EBSCO, ProQuest, CSA) have built-in citation generators. Look for the generator before you e-mail your citations.
Zotero is a citation management tool. It can help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources. You can also create bibliographies in many citation formats.
For a detailed explanation and video on why and how including instructions on specific styles (APA, MLA,) to cite see:
The Learning Assistance Center offers four areas of assistance:
1. classes on learning skills, for example, time management, note taking, etc.
2. tutorial services: Individual and group
3. ESL tutorial services
4. supplemental instruction for specific classes
The Writer's Resource Lab (WRL) is CSULB's central writing center. The Center's peer tutors provide across-the-curriculum writing instruction to help students become more effective and independent writers.