CECS 490 Syllabus:
Computer Engineering Senior Design projects require higher-level thinking skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking. They are often interdisciplinary and may require extensive re-search.
CECS 491 Syllabus:
Projects may include design and development of data intensive web applications, embedded systems applications, games, knowledge management systems, and other types of systems. Students will use their software engineering skills to complete a group project.
Using library and other information resources can enhance the creative process.
Off-Campus Access (via SSO and your Campus ID and password)
My Library Account (via your Campus ID and password)
Databases by Title and Subject
Interlibrary Services (Info on CSU+ and BeachReach)
Information resoures play a very important role in creative and brainstorming process
Using the library's databases and other information resources will assist you in trying to answer these questions especially in the conceptual phase of the design process.