Compendex (via Engineering Village)Over 7 million citations and abstracts to journal articles, conference proceedings, and technical reports on all aspects of engineering including civil, computer, mechanical, material, aerospace, electronic, communication, transportation and more. Coverage: 1969 to present.
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IEEE XploreUse IEEE Xplore to access the full text of IEEE journals, magazines, standards, and conference proceedings. Full text is available for most content from 1988 to present. Covers 1950 to the present. IEEE Xplore allows up to five simultaneous users.
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ASCE LibraryThe ASCE Library provides access to journals and conference proceedings from the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Coverage: 1970 to present.
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ASME Mechanical EngineeringASME Mechanical Engineering This database provides access to journals and conference papers from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
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ACM Digital LibraryFull-text access to all Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) publications back to 1950s. Also includes, the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database of computing.
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Web of ScienceProvides access to high-quality research from the world's leading arts, humanities, science and social science journals. Includes a Cited Reference search. Online coverage is 1993-present. Earlier print versions are in the library.
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SciFinder WebWith access to Chemical Abstracts and the CAS Registry file, SciFinder is the most comprehensive chemical resource including references, substances and reactions. Users must register individually using a CSULB e-mail address to access SciFinder.
MEDLINE (via Web of Science)The National Library of Medicine’s international, biomedicine & health journal database covering all areas of medicine, including dentistry, nursing, veterinary medicine, the health care system, preclinical sciences. The majority of the publications covered in MEDLINE are scholarly journals; a small number of newspapers, magazines, and newsletters considered useful to the discipline are included.
Coverage = 1951 - current.
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Biological AbstractsAn expansive index to the world’s biology journal literature, with topics ranging from botany to microbiology to pharmacology. 1926 to present.
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Agricultural and Environmental Science DatabaseAbstracts and citations from over 6000 journals, conference proceedings, reports, books and government publications in agriculture; air quality; bacteriology; ecology; ecotourism; energy resources; environmental impact statements; hazardous waste; human population dynamics; industrial hygiene; microbiology; pollution; risk assessment; and toxicology. Coverage: 1967 to date.
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GreenFILEProvides articles on the of human impact to the environment, including global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, etc.
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TRIDFrom the Transportation Research Board, a collection of reports and articles on worldwide transportation covering all modes, economics, and disciplines of transportation.
ABI/INFORM CompleteA comprehensive business database with over 3,200 journals covering business and economic conditions, corporate strategies, management techniques, as well as competitive and product information. It consists of: ABI Global, ABI Archive, ABI Images, ABI Trade and Industry, Dateline, Business Dissertations, Hoovers, Oxford Research, Wall Street Journal, SnapShots North American, and EIU. Coverage: 1971 to date.
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Business Source PremierContains coverage for more than 2,300 journals covering a wide range of business topics. In addition, the databases includes access to company profiles, country reports, industry reports, market research reports and SWOT analyses.
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MarketResearch.comFull-text service of market research reports on many topics. Includes more than 40,000 market intelligence publications from 350 publishers worldwide.
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Academic Search CompleteComprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database with more than 5,300 full text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. Offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.