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ENGR 101 Design: Background (books, reference materials, media)

Finding Books in OneSearch (Library Catalog)

OneSearch is the CSULB library catalog. Use OneSearch to find books, eBooks, CD's, DVD's, streaming media, journal titles and other material available in the CSULB and the other CSU Libraries. If you find a physical item not available at CSULB, you can request it via CSU+ and Link+

The major digital book collections for engineering are Safari, Books 24 x7 and Knovel.  See eBooks for more information. The individual titles from these collections are also included in OneSearch.

We also have access to many government publications via OneSearch; many are freely available on the Internet. Government publications are important for some engineering disciplines.

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Reference Books

 The following print books are in the Reference Collection on the first floor of the Library behind the Research and Information Desk.

“Handbooks” in engineering and the sciences are very helpful for learning about basic principles, provide a concise compendium of technical information and data around a broad topic and are authored and edited by experts.

They are particularly useful for brainstorming and background information at the start of your project.  

Below is a very selective list of some important Handbooks, Encyclopedias and other Reference books. "Browse" the shelves for other relevant books around these call numbers. 

Unfortunately, these books cannot be checked out but you can photocopy relevant pages (10c/per page) or scan (free).  

Two basic handbooks in science:

      CRC Handbook  of Chemistry and Physics REF QD65 .H3  2011/12

      AIP Physics Desk Reference REF QC61 .A45 2003-

The "How to" Series:

The Encyclopedia of how it works from abacus to zoom lens REF T19 .E54     

How things work: the physics of everyday life REF QC21.3 .B56 2006        

How it works, illustrated: everyday devices and mechanisms REF TX298 .G68

How it works: science and technology (v.1-20) REF T9 .H738 2003 v.1-20   

The new way things work REF T47 .M18 1998          

The way things work; an illustrated cyclopedia of technology REF T47 .V35 v.1

Handbooks (examples):

Machinery's handbook REF TJ 151.M3 2000

Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers REF TJ151 .M4 2007

Mechanical Design Handbook REF TJ230.M433 1996

Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook REF TJ151 .M3953 2001

A search in OneSearch for handbooks and engineering will find you more examples.