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Article Metrics for Researchers: Selected Readings on Altmetrics

Selected Readings on Altmetrics

Last updated: April 29, 2015


NISO Altmetrics Standards Project White Paper. (2014).  (June 6, 2014 ed.).

Special issue on alternative metrics. (2014). Research Trends(37).

Barnes, C. (2015). The Use of Altmetrics as a Tool for Measuring Research Impact. Australian Academic and Research Libraries. doi: 10.1080/00048623.2014.1003174

Bazrafshan, A., Haghdoost, A. A., & Zare, M. (2015). A comparison of downloads, readership and citations data for the Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas. Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas, 9(1), 1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jmhi.2014.06.001

Borchadt, R. (2012). From bibliometrics to altmetrics. College & Research Libraries News, 73(10), 596-600.

Bornmann, L. (2014). Do altmetrics point to the broader impact of research? An overview of benefits and disadvantages of altmetrics. Journal of Informetrics, 8(4), 895-903. doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2014.09.005

Bornmann, L. (2014). Validity of altmetrics data for measuring societal impact: A study using data from Altmetric and F1000Prime. Journal of Informetrics, 8(4), 935-950. doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2014.09.007

Bornmann, L. (2015). Alternative metrics in scientometrics: a meta-analysis of research into three altmetrics. Scientometrics. doi: 10.1007/s11192-015-1565-y

Brigham, T. J. (2014). An introduction to altmetrics. Med Ref Serv Q, 33(4), 438-447. doi: 10.1080/02763869.2014.957093

Cress, P. E. (2014). Using altmetrics and social media to supplement impact factor: maximizing your article's academic and societal impact. Aesthet Surg J, 34(7), 1123-1126. doi: 10.1177/1090820x14542973

de Winter, J. C. F. (2014). The relationship between tweets, citations, and article views for PLOS ONE articles. Scientometrics, 102(2), 1773-1779. doi: 10.1007/s11192-014-1445-x

10.1007/s11192-014-1264-0; Zahedi, Z., Fenner, M., Costas, R., How consistent are altmetrics providers? (2014) Study of 1000 PLOS ONE publications using the PLOS ALM, ,, Mendeley and APIs, Retrieved from:

Dinsmore, A., Allen, L., & Dolby, K. (2014). Alternative perspectives on impact: the potential of ALMs and altmetrics to inform funders about research impact. PLoS Biol, 12(11), e1002003. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002003

Galligan, F., & Dyas-Correia, S. (2013). Altmetrics: Rethinking the Way We Measure. Serials Review, 39(1), 56-61. doi: 10.1016/j.serrev.2013.01.003

Hammarfelt, B. (2014). Using altmetrics for assessing research impact in the humanities. Scientometrics. doi: 10.1007/s11192-014-1261-3

Haustein, S., Costas, R., & Lariviere, V. (2015). Characterizing social media metrics of scholarly papers: the effect of document properties and collaboration patterns. PLoS One, 10(3), e0120495. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0120495

Kolahi, J. (2015). Altmetrics: A new emerging issue for dental research scientists. Dental Hypotheses, 6(1), 1-2. doi: 10.4103/2155-8213.150855

Lagace, N. (2013). NISO Publishes Recommended Practice and Technical Report on Improving Open URLs Through Analytics. Information Standards Quarterly, 25(2), 41-41. doi: 10.3789/isqv25no2.2013.08

Lapinski, S., Piwowar, H., & Priem, J. (2013). Riding the crest of the altmetrics wave How librarians can help prepare faculty for the next generation of research impact metrics. College & Research Libraries News, 74(6), 292-300 %@ 0099-0086.

Ortega, J. L. (2015). Relationship between altmetric and bibliometric indicators across academic social sites: The case of CSIC's members. Journal of Informetrics, 9(1), 39-49. doi: 10.1016/j.joi.2014.11.004

Piwowar, H. (2013). Altmetrics: Value all research products. Nature, 493(7431), 159-159.

Priem, J., Piwowar, H., & Hemminger, B. (2011). Altmetrics in the wild: An exploratory study of impact metrics based on social media. Paper presented at the Metrics 2011: Symposium on Informetric and Scientometric Research. New Orleans, LA, USA, October.

Priem, J., Taraborelli, D., Groth, P., & Neylon, C. (2011, September 26, 2011). Altmetrics: A Manifesto.   Retrieved September 9, 2014, from

Rodgers, E., & Barbrow, S. (Cartographer). (2014). A Look at Altmetrics and Its Growing Significance to Research Libraries. Retrieved from

Tananbaum, G. (2013). Article-level metrics: a SPARC primer.

Taylor, M. (2013). Exploring the boundaries: How altmetrics can expand our vision of scholarly communication and social impact. Information Standards Quarterly, 25, 27-32.

Wang, X., Liu, C., Mao, W., & Fang, Z. (2015). The open access advantage considering citation, article usage and social media attention. Scientometrics. doi: 10.1007/s11192-015-1547-0

Zahedi, Z., Costas, R., & Wouters, P. (2014). How well developed are altmetrics? A cross-disciplinary analysis of the presence of 'alternative metrics' in scientific publications. Scientometrics. doi: 10.1007/s11192-014-1264-0