There are a number of databases you can use to find major companies in an industry. The information may vary from database-to-database because it comes from different sources.

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  • Step 1: Enter an industry name or NAICS code in the search box.
  • Step 2: Scroll down the page to select 'Industry Report' from the 'Document type' menu.
  • Step 3: Press Search. Industry reports retrieved by your search may include a list and/or discussion of major companies in the industry.
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  • Step 1: Enter an industry's name into a search box. Alternately, you can enter the industry's NAICS code into a search box and then use the drop-down menu next to the search box to change the selection from the default entry of 'Select a Field (optional)' to 'IC NAICS Code or Description'.
  • Step 2: Next, scroll down the page to the Search Options section. In the 'Document Type' area, select 'Industry Overview'.
  • Step 3: Industry overview reports contain a section that discusses major companies in the industry.
  • Note: Your search results will be sorted by relevance by default, so you might want to click on the 'Relevance' link above your search results to change the sort order to 'Date Newest' instead so that you'll find the most recent overviews of your industry.
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  • Step 1: Enter an industry's name in the search box.
  • Step 2: The 'Major Companies' section of an industry report contains information about major companies in the industry (including their market share) and other notable companies in the industry.
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  • Step 1: Click on the 'Industry analysis' tab toward the top of the database's home page.
  • Step 2: Click on the 'Membership' link on the resulting page and then choose an industry from the list provided in order to see the leading companies in the industry.
  • Note: Alternately, you can click on the 'Reports' link and then on the 'Industry' link and select an industry from the list provided in order to see a report that provides information about the leading companies in the industry.