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- Database Tutorials highlight basic search techniques and recommended filters in top recommended databases for your field of research
- MeSH is used to find the definition, synonyms, more specific, or broader terms to search, or you can build your MeSH term(s) search in PubMed
- Databases for Literature Review are recommended for finding the material types you need for identifying your topic, and performing a review of the literature
- Subject Databases are recommended for your field and the same basic search techniques may apply
- Cited Reference Searching is a search technique to help you find the most authors, material types, titles, etc... related to your research topic
- Clinical Queries in PubMed allow you to filter one search by three clinical research areas: Clinical Study Categories, Systematic Reviews or Medical Genetics.
- Filter by Research Methodology by using pscINFO filters
- Get the Full-Text illustrates how to find the pdf, or other possible access options to the materials your find in your search