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Course Guide for ENGR 361: Your library Assignment

From the Syllabus

Research is completed only when you communicate your findings on a professional level. The details of the standards for this communication will vary from field to field. In this assignment, you will use your professional network and library resources to get specific information about the publication process in your field. This is information you can use throughout the course and your career. A professor in your field, your research advisor, and a postdoc in your lab would be good resources to help complete this assignment. 
1) a)  Is there a published Style Guide for publications in your field?  

b) If so, what is the name of the Style Guide and how can it be accessed?

c) If not, what resources specific to your field could one turn to for information on the standards of writing in your field? ** You will use this Style Guide for the remainder of the Course 
2)  a)  State three journals where your specific research will likely appear?

b) What makes these three specific journals the most highly regarded in your field?

 c) Where specifically can one access the Instructions for Authors for each of these journals? (Provide the links)

d) Read the Instructions for Authors for one of these journals. What specific qualities does the journal seek for its publications?

e)  What is the "Scope" of the journal?

f) What are the Criteria for publication

g) What are the submission guidelines (style and format, manuscript organization, references, figures and tables, font, length)

h)  Publication fees - including Open Access publishing 
Submit an electronic copy in the DropBox on Canvas.  Include Name, ID number, and your field of research at the top of the document. Follow submission and formatting instructions from the syllabus. Grading will be based on completion and quality of the work. 
In future assignments you will be asked to find research papers (not review article) related to your research/interests published in the last 18 months in the journals you listed. To prepare for this, you might want to start following the highly regarded journals you identified in this assignment.