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Chat with a Librarian!: Home

Chat with a CSULB librarian during business hours, or a helpful librarian from somewhere else when we're not around!

CSULB librarians are friendly and able to help you with your research questions.

 What are the guidelines for using the “Chat with a Librarian” service?

The chat service is intended to answer brief, factual questions.

  • Please be specific about what information you need when asking your question.
  • If your question is broad in scope, or involves lengthy research, please consider visiting the Research Assistance Desk in person, or submit your inquiry by email.

Librarians attempt to respond to instant message questions as quickly as possible (usually within minutes, unless they are away from the desk helping other patrons). If you do not get a response to your chat, please leave your email address or phone number, and a librarian will be in touch with you as soon as possible.

For your safety, please do not send sensitive information (such as your password, ID #, etc.) via chat.

Email your Question!