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Company Research Guide: Private vs. Public Companies

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Public Companies

Public companies are those that sell stock to the general public, and trade that stock on a stock exchange or over-the-counter market. The U.S. government requires publicly traded companies to file financial statements and annual 10-K reports to the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). There are a number of filings the SEC requires but there are a few that are going to be the most helpful to those looking for what the company does:

  • 10K (annual reports; 10KSB for Small Business Public Companies): This is the financial statement most people are looking for and is an annual filing. Pay particular attention to Item 1, the business description, Item 7, the Management Discussion and Analysis, and the Financial Footnotes. The annual report to shareholders is a separate document but can be "incorporated by reference" into the 10K in some cases.
  • 10Q: This is a quarterly report that is primarily used as an update on financial information, though it can contain other information that is new/important.
  • S-1: This filing is the registration statement when a private company goes public often seen as IPO.
  • 8K: These filings can vary but can be where announcements of mergers, acquisitions, and other material changes can be made.

SEC's EDGAR database provides free public access to company filings, allowing you to research a public company’s financial information and operations.

Private Companies

Private companies are not traded on any stock exchange and are not required to file detailed reports with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). Thus, information is sparse and difficult to find. Most companies in the U.S. are privately held.

Researching private companies requires an understanding that publicly available information beyond name and location might not exist.

When it comes to researching private companies, the first place to look would be the company's web page if they have one. Never underestimate the information that companies publish on their own web sites. Even if some companies use their web pages as glorified catalogs, brochures, or advertisements, how they present that information may still be helpful. Often, for private companies, their web pages may be what provides the most information