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Supplemental Materials
To see all options for streaming media, check out my video Accessing eMaterials and go to TimeStamp 11:18.
There are more styles than just MLA, and you may use other styles often in classes outside of ENGL. Here are some links that can help!
1. Chrome is the preferred browser for our Library website.
2. Sign-In to MYCSULB:
csulb.edu > Students > Single Sign-On (SSO) > Library Button
For those of you whom I've seen in FMD 357, here's my latest handout!
You can Google the journal title and look for the following information on its website:
These elements help us determine who the "peers" are in the peer-reviewed process, if the journal has one.
If the journal does not have a clear structure to review articles published within it, or a clear list of people who will review articles for the journal, it may not have a strong review process. Show your professor what you find out to make sure the journal is useful for your assignment.
To FIND Journals, see my How to Find Journals Video.
Google & Google Scholar
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