A lively, at times humorous, 50 minute video that features Student Services Librarian George Martinez and English/Comparative World Literature/Classics Librarian Alexis Pavenick (Dr. P.) taking viewers on a tour of accessing the CSULB Online Library to look at some of its key elements.
The Signin Process has been simplified. The video has the older method. In the current method, go to CSULB.edu. Select STUDENTS at the top-left. This will bring you straight into the Single SignOn.
This video explains the basic steps to downloading PDFs of articles and book chapters, downloading eBooks to a device, and how to access streaming videos of films, plays and documentaries.
PLEASE NOTE: Find out more about Interlibrary Loan (ILL) HERE.
Time Stamps, so you can fast-forward in the video:
Downloading PDFs: 0:35
Downloading eBooks to a Device: 4:05
Accessing Streaming Media: 11:18
Below are just the videos. You are welcome to watch them! However, there are no assessments (quizzes) for these videos.
If you have been asked to do Dr. P.'s Steps to Research Tutorials & Assessment, SELECT THIS LINK.
Some of these videos are longer than 5 minutes. I know about the lack of attention after 5 minutes, and I would ask, as always, that you have patience while you watch them. Research takes patience and time, and teaching you how to use complex resources through a video needs a bit more of both.
Have the Steps to Research Handout or the Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version open or nearby so that you can make the connections between the print and the video tutorials. The numbers in the title bar reference the Step Number in my handout.
All the Best!!
Dr. P.
Signing into the Library and Finding Research Guides with Dr. P.
This video explains how to access CSULB library website and how to get to the Librarian Research Guides, including my own guides. These guides are available 24/7 online. They explain how to use the library resources to help you with assignments in any of your classes. My guides include free help with MLA Style and the PDF of my Steps to Research Handout, or the Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version, which you can download or read online.
The SignOn Process has been simplified. The video has the older method. In the current method, go to CSULB.edu. Select STUDENTS at the top-left. This will bring you straight into the Single SignOn, and then to your Apps Dashboard, where you have access to the University Library button, as well as Canvas, and other software that you will use during your time at CSULB.
Here are some screenshots of the new method:
Basic CSULB Database Search with Dr. P.
This video explains how to access CSULB databases and search one of our most popular ones, Academic Search Complete. You will need to be an enrolled CSULB student or faculty to follow along completely. The video includes using search terms, limiters and how to download a PDF.
Use this video with my Steps to Research Handout, or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version
More Databases with Dr. P.
This video looks more closely at working with multiple databases. Specifically, I look at searching multiple databases at one time in EBSCO and ProQuest. I also look at MLA International Bibliography and JSTOR. This video references Steps 1-3 in my Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version
If you would like to jump ahead: EBSCO: 0:45 | MLA Int'l Bib 5:37 | ProQuest 7:03 | JSTOR 9:53
Using EndNote Web Citation Manager with Dr. P.
This video looks at the basics of using Clarivate's EndNote Web citation manager. Citation managers can be used to collect information about your research, as well as store your PDFs. This video references Step Four (4) of my Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version
To learn how to sign up for EndNote Web, please see this video: Signing In to EndNote Web
Searching CSULB's OneSearch with Dr. P.
This video shows how to use OneSearch to explore ideas. OneSearch is very useful when you want to see what the CSULB library has to offer on a big topic. The video also includes information about BeachReach Interlibrary Loan and using OneSearch's pins to keep records of useful finds. This video is related to Step 5 of my Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version
Finding Journals Online with Dr. P.
This short video shows how to search in the CSULB library to find out if we have online access to a journal or newspaper. Searching for journals is referenced on Step 5 of my Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version
Using Google Scholar with Dr. P.
This video explains how to use Google Scholar (scholar.google.com) in relation to Step 6 of my Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version. Apologies for the two spelling errors in this one - "Steps 6" should be "Step 6," and later "stil" should be "still." Will revise in the not-too-distant future!
This video walks through some of the suggestions on Step Seven (7) of my Steps to Research Handout. It focuses on looking up journals and their publishers using one of our databases, Ulrichs Web, as well as looking up authors in Google.
Please reference the Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version with this video, as the handout has useful details and further explanations.
Use the links below to access Ulrich's Web via our CSULB Databases and Google Scholar via the Web/Internet.
Cabells can be used in conjunction with our other journal information and analytics databases: Journal Citations Reports (In-Cites), also known as JCR, and Ulrich's Web, which is discussed in my video Evaluate Sources (7). Cabells, JCR and Ulrich's require paid subscriptions to use - we have access to them through the CSULB Library databases.
For more help with Cabells, please see the following websites and YouTube videos:
Cabells Intro to Journalytics (YouTube Video)
Cabells Intro to Predatory Reports (YouTube Video)
Use the link below to access Cabells via our CSULB Databases.
This video explains how to access and use Journal Citation Reports (JCR) at CSULB. JCR is a database that describes the statistics of how often items in a journal are cited in other journals, as well as details related to a journal's publications and performance.
JCR can be used in conjunction with our other journal information and analytics databases: Cabells and Ulrich's Web.
For more information about how to evaluate sources as a whole, see Step 7 on my handout and watch its matching Step 7 video: Evaluate Sources. JCR, Cabells, and Ulrich's require paid subscriptions to use - we have access to them through the CSULB Library databases.
Use the link below to access JCR via our CSULB Databases.
MLA Works Cited & Setting Up an MS Word Doc in MLA Style with Dr. P.
This video looks at how to use MS Word to set up an MLA Style document for your assignment. MS Word can be accessed through MS Office 365 (Microsoft Office 365). It references Step 8 on my Steps to Research Handout or my Steps to Research Handout - ADA Version.
Please note, the style of an MLA paper has 1 inch margins on all sides. To indent, MLA recommends the using “Tab” key as opposed to pushing the space bar five times.
To skip ahead, here are some useful breakpoints:
which includes...