The American Indian Experience contains over 150 full-text titles, primary documents and images documenting the American Indian experience. The database includes treaties, speeches, captivity narratives, maps, photographs, traditional tales and access to vetted Web sites.
The Black Studies Center provides access to original articles, scholarly essays, timelines, images, and film clips, in addition to full-text access to The Chicago Defender, 1910-1975.
Coverage: 1910 to date. Updated: monthly.
The Latino American Experience contains over 200 full-text titles from encyclopedias and biographies, primary documents in English and Spanish, and images documenting the Latino American experience. The database includes treaties, speeches, timelines, classroom lesson plans, and access to vetted websites.
A collection of about 900 encyclopedias and other reference books from several publishers across many disciplines that can be searched at one time.
More than 2 million entries from hundreds of cross-searchable Oxford encyclopedias and other reference books, many of which are illustrated.
Reference sources are great starting points for gathering background information on any research topic. They provide the who, why, where, and how in a very concise format.
Traditional reference sources include:
*Encyclopedias *Dictionaries *Biographies *Handbooks *Statistics