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Journal Impact Factor
Citations to articles from the most recent two full years, divided by the total number of articles from the most recent two full years. "How much is this Journal being cited during the most recent two full years?"
5-Year Journal Impact Factor
Citations to articles from the most recent five full years, divided by the total number of articles from the most recent five full years. "How much is this Journal being cited during the most recent five full years?"
Journal Immediacy Index
Citations to articles from the current year, divided by the total number of articles from the current year. "How much is this Journal being cited during the current year?"
Journal Cited Half-Life
For the current Journal Citation Reports year, the median age of Journal articles cited. "What is the duration of citation to articles in this Journal?"
Similar to the 5-Year Journal Impact Factor, but weeds out Journal self-citations. It also, unlike the Journal Citation Reports impact factor, cuts across both the hard sciences and the social sciences.
Article Influence
The Eigenfactor score divided by the number of articles published in Journal. "I know how impactful the Journal as a whole is, but what about the average individual article in the Journal?"
SJR - SCImage Journal Rank
This metric doesn't consider all citations of equal weight; the prestige of the citing journal is taken into account.
SNIP - Source-Normalized Impact per Paper
SNIP weights citations based on the number of citations in a field. If there are fewer total citations in a research field, then citations are worth more in that field.