Off-Campus Access (via SSO and your Campus ID and password)
My Library Account (via your Campus ID and password)
Databases by Title and Subject
Interlibrary Services (Info on CSU+ and BeachReach)
Call number
Peer Reviewed
Reference - Encyclopedias etc. that cannot be checked out
Reserve - Books and other items for courses selected by instructors
Call Number - Number on the spine of a book or journal determining its place on the shelf
Database -searchable list of article titles and abstracts
Citation - identifying information of an article (title, author, etc.)
Abstract - summary of an article found at the beginning and in databases
Peer Reviewed - A premium quality journal article that has been reviewed by others knowledgeable in the field prior to publication
Journal - a published collection of articles (previously in print, now frequently online only)
Welcome to California State University – Long Beach! The University Library is a comfortable place for you to do research and relax. Your student ID doubles as your library card for checking out physical items and accessing online resources.
Here are a few things you can do at the library:
- Find and check out books and media using OneSearch
- Chat or email a librarian for help
- Access over 300 databases of electronic journals, magazines, and e-books
- Borrow materials from other libraries
- Copy, print, or scan materials for personal or academic use
- Meet with your teammates to work on a project
- Enjoy coffee with friends at the Caffeine Lab