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Library Careers

Library Careers

If you have been inspired by the library (or by a librarian) and are considering making the library your career, this page should be some help to you!  Click on the links below to find out specific information related to librarianship and careers in libraries!  Don't miss the fun pages related to libraries and librarians!

General Information About Librarianship

This guide is for students who might be interested in the growing and challenging field of Library and Information Science. Whether you call yourself a librarian, information scientist or specialist, knowledge liaison, or information technologist, it is an exciting field which has been dramatically invigorated by computers and the Internet. Our responsibilities remain the same at the core - the preservation, organization and distribution of information; all done with a strong sense of public service at its best and of the central belief in freedom of information for that public.

Although Ph.D.'s are granted in library science, this site will concentrate on the most common degree, the Master's degree.

General Library Career Information - from the American Library Association

 Graduate Library Schools

American Library Association, Accredited Master's Programs
Lists all U.S. graduate schools with accredited master's degrees and provides information on distance learning opportunities as well as guidelines for choosing a program. Information on scholarships is also available at this general site as well as from individual library schools.   

Graduate School - Library Science
This site from U.S. News and World Report ranks the top 20 library schools and also ranks in some specialties offered by the library schools.

North Carolina Central University, School of Library and Information Sciences-An historically Black College currently offering a library and information science degree.

Diversity of Librarian Specialties

Below are a variety of sites that speak to a particular specialty within librarianship. This is by no means a comprehensive list, rather it is a sampling to give you an idea of the range of specialties and libraries in existence.

American Association of School Librarians

American Library Association

American Theological Library Association

Art Libraries Society of North America

Association of College and Research Libraries

Medical Library Association

Music Library Association

Public Library Association

Special Library Association - Career Center

Western Association of Map Libraries

Diversity of Librarians

At the present time both library schools and libraries are actively seeking students and librarians who represent the broad spectrum of today's population. There is a tremendous under-representation of ethnic minorities, in particular, in the library profession. A variety of programs have been developed in individual library schools and within associations (such as those listed below) that provide students with a choice of scholarships and other opportunities to acquire the necessary educational degree. Again, this list is not comprehensive but rather representative.

American Indian Library Association

Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association

Association of Christian Librarians

Association of Jewish Libraries

Bibliotecas Para La Gente (Northern California Chapter of Reforma)

Black Caucus of the American Library Association

California Librarians Black Caucus

Chinese American Librarians Association

Rainbow Round Table, ALA (LGBTQ+)

Reforma (National Association to Promote Library Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking)

Job Opportunities

Use these sites now, before going to library school, to realize the many different types of specializations, types of positions, and types of organizations (not necessarily a library) where the librarian of the future will play a major role.

American Library Association Employment Page
Under Employment look at the monthly Career Leads