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Journal Title

Call Number (Print) Full-text, Electronic Access
Behavioral and Brain Sciences QP376 B41 Cambridge Journals Online
Psychological Bulletin BF1 P75 PsycArticles
Psychological Review BF1 P7 PsycArticles
Trends in Cognitive Sciences N/A PsycArticles
Psychological Inquiry BR1 P675 PsycArticles
American Psychologist BF1 A55 PsycArticles
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General BF1 J613 PsycArticles
Cognition BF311 C64 ScienceDirect

Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry

RJ499 A5 ScienceDirect
Journal of Abnormal Psychology RC321 J7 PsycArticles
Psychology and Aging BF725 .55 A35 P68 PsycArticles
Health Psychology R726 .5 H434 PsycArticles
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