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SLP Speech-Language Pathology Subject Guide: Books & Media

A guide for finding Speech Language Pathology information to support your academic research and coursework

Books, eBooks & Media

Discover a variety of resources, including books, eBooks, streaming media, and curated Speech-Language Pathology topics, to support your research and learning needs.

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Explore Key Topics in Speech Language Pathology

Explore Key Topics in Speech Language Pathology

For a more streamlined search, click on the links below. The following is a list of curated, pre-made search strings in OneSearch for the top 10 Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) for Speech Language Pathology and related areas:

  1. Speech disorders - This heading covers a wide range of communication disorders, which are central to SLP.
  2. Language disorders - Language disorders are another core area of SLP, focusing on difficulties in understanding or using words in context.
  3. Aphasia - As a specific type of language disorder often resulting from stroke or brain injury, aphasia is a significant focus within SLP.
  4. Dysphagia - Swallowing disorders, including their assessment and treatment, are critical in SLP, especially in medical settings.
  5. Audiology - While audiology is a distinct field, its overlap with SLP, particularly in hearing disorders and their impact on communication, makes it a relevant LCSH.
  6. Voice disorders - Voice and resonance disorders, including therapy techniques, are key areas within SLP.
  7. Articulation disorders - This heading covers disorders related to the physical production of speech sounds, a primary area of intervention in SLP.
  8. Speech therapy - This heading is directly related to the treatment methods and practices in SLP.
  9. Communication devices - The use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices is integral to SLP, especially for clients with severe speech or language impairments.
  10. Child language - Development, disorders, and therapy in pediatric populations represent a significant portion of SLP practice.

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