Welcome to the SLP 696 Research Guide!
Find essential resources for Speech-Language Pathology research, including journals, articles, databases, and tools to support your work. Use this research guide to access esential databases and in-depth research strategies. For additional resources visit the Speech-Language Pathology Subject Guide. Need help? Reach out to your librarian anytime!
Choose Specific Keywords: Use precise terms related to your topic such as: Multicultural Competence, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Speech-Language Pathology
Combine Keywords: Use Boolean operators to refine searches, such as: (Multicultural competence AND Augmentative and Alternative Communication AND speech-language pathology)
Expand with Synonyms: Broaden your search by including related terms: ("multicultural competence" OR "cultural diversity" OR "intercultural communication") AND (AAC OR "Augmentative and Alternative Communication" OR "communication aids")
For more guidance, watch the video Selecting & Using Keywords to refine your search strategy.
ScienceDirect Tutorial
Learn to navigate and use ScienceDirect
Search Google Scholar
Off-campus database access
Only current CSULB students, faculty, and staff can connect by logging in when prompted through the library website.
Explore Key Databases: Start with this curated selection of databases essential for your research.
Locate specific journals by title or subject and evaluate their impact using citation data.
Use Cabells to find academic journals, publishing information, manuscript tools, and journal metrics.
Locate highly ranked journals Use Journal Citation Reports to search a journal title or select another option to find journals ranked by impact factor
Use Ulrichsweb for an easy-to-search source of detailed information on academic and scholarly journals