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Finding Historial Documents

In the OneSearch Book Catalog, if you use the subject keyword SOURCES, you will tend to find primary documents or texts in your topic. 

Linked Examples:

SOURCES and SLAVE* (an asterisk* at the end of a word will find word variants (slave or slaves or slavery or slaveholders, etc)

SOURCES and WITCH* (placing an asterisk * at the end of a word will find witches or witch or witchery or witchcraft)

SOURCES and SUFFRAG* will find documents on suffrage or suffragettes

History Research Guides


This guide is designed to provide a introduction for coverage for research in United States history, using a variety of research tools, either those which CSULB provides, or that are freely available on the Internet.

Primary History: FDR Home Movies

Primary History: Watch home movies of Franklin D. Roosevelt and family. At 07:50, FDR using a cane and wearing steel leg braces, leans on the arm of his son and "walks" to his 3rd inauguration on January 20, 1941.

Getting Help

See the links at the far right of this LibGuide to this subject librarian.

However, many of your questions can be answered by librarians at the Reference Desk, which is open most hours the library is.

Assistance is also provided by 24/7 Real Time Reference, live internet chat help.

You can also schedule a consulation with a subject librarian.