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Arnold T. Schwab Endowment Collection

An ongoing collection of materials purchased through the Arnold T. Schwab Endowment Fund for LGBTQIA materials

About Schwab

Photo image of Arnold T. Schwab smiling

In 1995 Arnold T. Schwab, CSULB Professor Emeritus of English, established a named endowment for the purchase of books, especially poetry and fiction, with gay themes--particularly those books issued by gay, non-mainstream or chapbook publishers.  The endowment also supports the purchase of biographies or critical studies of gay poets or novelists. 

The collection also includes Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Two-Spirit content and authors/creators across academic disciplines, from the humanities to social and natural sciences.  L G B T Q I A plus inclusive flag

How to Find Schwab Items - A Handout

Find Schwab Items

There are 3 ways to explore the Schwab Collection:

Select This Link to look through the Schwab Collection. 

OR: Search in OneSearch:

  1. In the OneSearch box, input "Arnold T. Schwab endowed collection"
    • Make sure to keep the quotation marks " " around the name. The quote marks keep all the words together to find this exact collection in your search.
  2. Select Books & Media (CSULB) from the dropdown menu 
  3. Select Search
  4. Use the filters on the LEFT SIDE to select the kind of material you want to narrow your results.
    • For example, if you are looking for books that are graphic novels, look under the filter Resource Type to select Books. Then look under Location to select 2nd Floor Graphic Novel Collection.

 If you need help using OneSearch, checkout my short video!

OR: Search with Advanced Search:

  1. Select Advanced Search below the OneSearch box.
  2. Leave the "Any Field" dropdown selection as is.
  3. Change the dropdown selection "Contains" to "Is Exact"
  4. Input the words "gift of the Arnold T. Schwab endowment fund" as your search.
    • You don't need quotation marks here. The phrase "is exact" does that job for you.
  5. Select Search. Then follow step 4 above.

Select the image below to open it larger in a new window:

Screenshot of Advanced Search for Schwab Collection Items

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