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Art/Art History: Find Articles / Databases

Use this guide for research on all-things Art.

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This button appears in almost all of the Library's research databases (e.g. Academic Search Complete or PsycInfo).

Click the button to search CSULB's subscriptions for the full text of your article.

If you have any problems, please report them using the form linked below. Details about Get It @ CSULB, including on how to integrate it with other systems like citation managers, are available below. 

Not Available at CSULB?

Is your article not available at CSULB?

Put in a request through CSU+ straight from OneSearch to get full-text of any article. 

You can request an item directly if you can't find it in OneSearch.

Need more information? Visit Borrow From Another Library, our interlibrary services page.

Start with these

These are the major databases which index articles about Art in journals/magazines/newspapers.

Also Useful

These databases include some art publications and art-related articles.

Additional Resources

In addition to the resources listed below, use the various ethnic studies pages (i.e., Africana Studies) for research on art of different cultures.

Use the databases below for commercial art topics


To search for MORE books/media/journals than offered in OneSearch, use the WorldCat database.

Keep in mind that any items found here will have to be order through BeachReach.

Reference Look Up

Citation Information:
Example: Le, V. (2019). Slave, Sister, Sexborg, Sphinx: Feminine Figurations in Nick Land's Philosophy. Hypatia, 34(2), 329-347.

Check out our citation linker to find other types of sources.