ERIC (via EBSCO)Education Resource Information Center, Find information about education, including journal articles, teaching guides, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966.
Academic Search CompleteComprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full text database with more than 5,300 full text periodicals, including 4,400 peer-reviewed journals. Offers indexing and abstracts for more than 9,300 journals and a total of 10,900 publications including monographs, reports, conference proceedings, etc.
Art IndexArt Index includes more than 600 English-language journals worldwide on all aspects of art and artists including advertising, photography, museum studies, archaeology, fashion, and design. Also indexes reproductions of art works and art dissertations. (Funded in part by a grant from the CSULB Alumni Association) Coverage: 1929 to date.
Politics DatabaseA collective database on government issue (PAIS: Public Affairs Information Services), politics (WPSA: Worldwide Political Science Abstracts) and policy (Policy File Index) that covers political science since 1972.
Public Administration AbstractsArticles in areas related to public administration, including public administration theory, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline, like urbanism, transportation, police administration, recreation, housing, etc.
SocINDEX Full TextAbstracts and links to articles in anthropology, criminal justice, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, marriage & family, politics, psychology, religion, sociology, social work & many others. Articles back to 1940.