CSULB's Cheating and Plagiarism policy is found in the CSULB University Catalog. Here is the introduction to the policy:
"It is the policy of the faculty and administration to deal effectively with the student who practices cheating or plagiarism. These acts are fundamentally destructive of the process of education and the confident evaluation of a student's mastery over a subject. A University maintains respect and functions successfully within the larger community when its reputation is built on honesty. By the same token, each student benefits in helping to maintain the integrity of the University. This policy, therefore, provides for a variety of faculty actions including those which may lead to the assignment of a failing grade for a course and for administrative actions which may lead to dismissal from the University. This document is written with the intent to support the traditional values that students are on their honor to perform their academic duties in an ethical manner."
Self-plagiarism is possible and it's just as serious.
Self-plagiarism, or "double-dipping," is deception and goes against the core principles of ethical writing. Papers are assigned for you to demonstrate what you have learned in a particular class. If you reuse a paper you wrote for a previous class, you are not demonstrating new learning.
Examples of self-plagiarism:
According to the CSULB Cheating and Plagiarism policy, the following can result from plagiarism:
Most penalties are determined by the faculty member with possible further action by the Academic Integrity Committee. Check with your individual instructors and read the syllabus to learn about the specific penalties of each class.
Source: CSULB 2015-16 University Catalog - Cheating and Plagiarism - Academic Action
Learn more about how it helps your professors catch plagiarism.
Introductory Video from Turnitin on Vimeo.
Thanks to Leslie Anderson for this page