History Research, Library Resources (Spring 2025)
University Library PAGE Is the place to start. It contains an overview of library research services available.
Here is a list of 300+ online history related subject encyclopedias; Add a third subject term, as seen in this formulation hist* encyclop* slave*. And you will see 20+ online titles. (The asterisk* at the end of a word will find singular or plural or variant words.) Slave* = Slavery or Slaves or Slaveholders or Slavemasters.
- OneSearch Search Techniques
- Use "quotation marks" for phrases or force word adjacency. Entering "race riots" will force that phrase.
- Use * (asterisk) if you want word variants. Entering histor* will produce history, histories, historians, historiography, historical, etc.
- Use capitalized OR if you want synonyms and place them in parentheses. (slavery OR indentured OR bondage OR servitude)
- To get results with higher relevancy to you topic, use subject keyword searches. These may produce results with higher relevancy to your search.
- Getting Books From Other Libraries
- If you discover a CSULB owned print book in OneSearch, we can get to you in a week from CSU+ or BeachReach. But if you want to just view our online books, select "Full Text Online" option, Review this graphic.
These subject keywords will tend to find primary historical content.
sources personal narratives biography correspondence interviews
letters papers facsimiles pictorial oral history diaries
For self-authored works that may contain primary content, search for keyword, autobiograph*
Another way to use OneSearch for primary history is to find the oldest material, or material published around the time, (contemporary to) your historical event. Try searching for pioneers, politicians and historical figures as AUTHORS or SUBJECTS. Then sort or limit your results by date to locate items published at the same time as the historical event or written during the person's life.
Finding full text primary materials in google books
Google has scanned millions of books from libraries and institutes around the world. Generally, books published before the early 1920s are in the public domain and freely readable online, depending on Google's somewhat obscure criteria.
Book and Journal Loaning Options from other libraries
- CSU+ To rapidly get books that we don't have, (within 2-4 days) from other CSU libraries. Due to Covid, this service may be unavailable. See Current Library Services.
- BEACH REACH Use to get journal articles we don't own delivered rapidly to your desktop.
These premier scholarly indexes for historical contain articles and books published since the mid 1950s. Both databases may be searched simultaneously. See this 4 minute tutorial on how to search.
OTHER Research Databases
Many of the databases below will directly link to full text, (or will indirectly link 2 or 3 clicks away) scholarly journal articles, popular magazines, newspaper articles, book chapters, or documents. This icon
means the item may be a couple clicks away. Those titles listed with RED Beginning-Ending Dates suggest primary content
- L’Année Philologique Covers Greco-Roman Antiquity. Includes journal articles, essays, books, book reviews and dissertations. Topics covered: history, religion, folklore, philosophy, archeology and classical literature. Time period is 500 b.c.e. to 500 c.e.
- American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection 1684-1912. Full text journal content including images, graphics, photographs.
- America’s Historical Newspapers, 1690-1876 Searchable, cover-to-cover reproductions from more than 650 historical American newspapers. Northern and “Old Northwest” papers are covered up until 1876. Southern newspaper coverage stops by the 1820s. Also see this link for library holdings of early papers in the library
- Archive of Early American Images: A Database of Images of Colonial America: 1492-1825 A database of images, prints, graphic arts depicting North and South America. North America.
- Brepolis Medieval Bibliographies Covers the historical period from 300-1500 AD. Europe, the Mideast and North Africa are the database’s focus. Indexes journal articles, books & conference proceedings.
- America’s Historical Imprints 1760-1900 Full text facsimile access to books, images, pamphlets & broadsides.
- American Periodicals Series Online 1740-1900 . Contains over 1,100 periodicals that first began publishing between 1740 and 1900, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals.
- ARTstor is a digital library of more than one million images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and social sciences. Content ranges from prehistoric times to the present.
- California Newspaper Archive. 1849 to Present. Covers LB newspapers 1934-1975 and OC Register 1913-2016
- California Digital Newspaper Collection. 1840s to Present. Different from the Archive listed above, it has full text facsimile coverage of California newspapers.
- Colonial America: 1606-1822 Complete full text searchable records of the British Colonial Office relating to North America.
- Congressional Publications (Proquest), 1789 to Present. Covers full text congressional documents, hearings, proceedings, serial set, reports and maps, covering all aspects of American government including history, politics, foreign affairs, exploration, presidential proclamations and executive documents.
- Dissertations and Theses Provides full text access to thousands of PhD dissertations back to the 1960s.
- Early English Books Online (EEBO) 1437-1700 A full text collection of early English books, containing over 100,000 titles listed in many subject areas, including: English literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, theology, fine arts, education, math and sciences
- Early European Books 1470-1770. Searchable full text books from European Continent.
- Essay and General Literature Index Retrospective, 1900-1984 Identifies articles within books and selected serials. Covers a wide array of subjects: classics, history, folklore, political science, religion and other topics.
- Getty Images. Contains thousands of journalistic and artistic images that can be viewed for free. Great for primary visual sources
- Global Newsstream. Full text (text only) coverage of national and international news since 1980s.
- Handbook of Latin American History Online. Produced by the Library of Congress, contains links (no full text) to scholarly journal articles and books, and book chapters..
- Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980. Full text historic newspapers in Spanish and a few in English.
- Hispanic American Periodicals Index. Indexes scholarly book chapters and journals on all aspects of modern Latin American social studies.
- Historical Chinese Newspaper Collection 1831-1952. Full text historical content of 12 English language Chinese newspapers published in China
- Historical Los Angeles Times, 1881-1997 Complete full text online coverage of every article, ad, comic, classified, editorial, photographs.
- Historical New York Times, 1851-2017 Complete full text online coverage of the NYT.
- Historical Chicago Defender, 1905-1975 he Defender can be found after 1975- in the database Black Life In America.
- History Vault 1810-1975. Full text documents on U.S history including Women's Studies, Vivil Rights, Indians and the American West, American Politics from Truman to Kennedy, Labor Unions and the Black Freedom Struggle.
- Humanities and Social Sciences Index Retrospective 1907-1983 Covers 1200 scholarly journals. Use it for finding coverage of worldwide events in the 20th Century
- Independent Voices: An Open Access Collection of an Alternative Press 1950 to Present. Covers Los Angeles Free Press, Berkeley Barb and other "underground" newspapers .
- JSTOR Journal Archive An archive of core scholarly full text journals going back to the 1800s. Contains selected journals in the social sciences and humanities
- LGBT Magazine Archive 1950s to Date.
- Meet The Press, 1947-2014 Televised interviews with newsmakers, politicians, leaders.
- News Policy & Politics Magazine Archive 1918-2015. Popular magazines of the 20th Century including Newsweek.
- Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers 1800-1900. Full text online newspapers from all regions of the U.S.
- Readers’ Guide Retrospective, 1890-1983. Covers popular magazines from 1890-1983. Good for finding popular coverage of historic events in the 20th Cent.
- Times (Of London) Digital Archive, 1789-2008. Full text online content of London Times, (Sunday Times excluded).
- USC Shoah Foundation; Visual History 20th Century. Documents of the European Holocaust and other world genocides including Armenian and Cambodian
- Westlaw After it opens, go to NEWS section in upper right of screen to view a wide variety of national and international newspapers.
- ArchivesGrid includes over 4 million records describing archival materials, historical documents, personal papers, family histories, from over 1000 different archives. Many archives link to online options.
- Digital Library of America. "Uncovers millions of materials from libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions across the country available to all in a one-stop discovery"
- SNAC (Social Networks and Archival Context) "a free, online resource that helps users discover biographical and historical information about persons, families, and organizations that created or are documented in historical resources (primary source documents) and their connections"
- World Digital Library "Contains cultural heritage materials from thousands of worldwide institutions, as well as content from Library of Congress collections
Citing Historical Materials
Google tips and techniques
To search for synonyms capitalize OR between each word and enclose in parenthesis
Combine to get both concepts in a single search
To get primary documents, try these techniques
to find sites at types of domains:
site:edu (to find sites located at colleges, universities)
site:org (to find sites at nonprofit organizations)
site:gov (to find government sites, government documents)
site:be (stands for Belgium. Use two letter country codes for domains in a country.
Use Google Scholar to find wide array of scholarly journal articles.
Use Google Books to find research snippets in scanned books. If the book reads PREVIEW you are in luck! You may be able to read entire chapters.
The University Library has a large collection of historic U.S. Government Documents. The items include