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ENGR 101 Design: Resources on occupations

Government Resources

Occupational Outlook Handbook The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics covers what workers do, working conditions, training and education, earnings and job prospects in a wide variety of occupations.  The OOH can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.

Career Guide to Industries Descriptions of 47 industries with career information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, covers working conditions, earning outlook and training requirements.  Alphabetical Index  Industry Order Index

California Occupational Guides  State of California Employment Development Department. Search by county and occupation               

Engineering Associations

Keep a lookout during your research for associations.  

Is there a student chapter at CSULB?

CSULB Resources

Contact and Hours

Career Development Center
California State University, Long Beach
Brotman Hall, Room 250
1250 Bellflower Boulevard
Long Beach, CA 90840 

CDC Career Resource Library Print and Online Resources

CSULB Library Careers and Jobs guide


Streaming media

Above is a select list of streaming media from the Library to find more information about the engineering profession, professional issues and latest developments.

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