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Library Homepage


Link to all CSULB Library's eBook collections.

The Libby App

You can access audiobooks and some ebooks purchased by CSULB through the Libby app.

(Beginning April 15, 2024, Android 7.1.1 will be the earliest supported Android OS for all OverDrive apps and websites, including Libby and Kanopy.)

libby logo   

Using the Libby App

Download the Libby app on your personal device. Once you have the Libby app on your device, open the app and add our library.  You will need your campus ID and password to log in the first time.

On the Libby app:

  1. Under Your Libraries, click Add a Library
  2. Search for Long Beach and click on California State University Long Beach
  3. Go to Add a Library Card - Use your Campus ID and password to log in
  4. Browse for titles
  5. More in depth details are below this box

You are now ready to check out and download books!

Help site from Libby

More Detailed Instructions for adding CSULB to the Libby App

How to add CSULB Library to your Libby app:

(you will only need to set this up once, then you will be able to access titles directly in the app)

In the Libby app, click Add a Library:

Libby app homescreen

Enter Long Beach in the search box:

Libby app search libraries screen

Select California State University Long Beach:

Libby app select a library screen

On the Libby App homepage, click See Library Cards:

Libby Home screen with CSULB library

Click on Enter Library Account Details:

Libby app enter library account details screen

Follow the directions to CSULB single sign on (SSO):

Libby app screen directing the user to SSO

Click Continue:

libby wants to use to sign in screen

Select Students and Employees:

CSULB SSO screen select students and employees screen

Enter your CSULB ID and password:

Campus Single Sign On form screen

Now in the Libby app you will have a Linked Card:

library card homepage in Libby app

Search for available titles, and select the one you are interested in, be sure to choose either the ebook or the audiobook:

result screen from search in Libby app

Click Borrow:

borrow screen in Libby app

For ebooks choose which format you would like, Kindle, browser, or EPUB:

borrow options screen in Libby app Kindle, browser and EPUB file