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The CSULB English Department has endowed and donated collections specifically focused on works and studies of Literatures in English.
Check them out!
Beth Lau Endowed Collection - dedicated to materials for the study of English Literature
Mary Purcell Endowed Collection - dedicated to Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century English Literature
David N. and Marilee Samuelson Endowed Collection - dedicated to Science Fiction and Fantasy genres
Arnold T. Schwab Endowed Collection - dedicated to LGBTQIA+ materials
Still Meyer Rare Book Memorial Endowed Collection - dedicated to Rare Materials
Masback Science Fiction & Fantasy Collection - dedicated to Science Fiction and Fantasy genres
Crawford Family's Coleridge Collection - Dedicated to works by and related to the study of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Critic's Choice Collection - the latest Critic's Choice Award Winners
Banned & Challenged Books Available at CSULB - Books that have been on Banned and Challenged Lists. CSULB University Library collects materials that have LGBTQIA+ content and content that features discussion of political topics like race and society. These items are at times listed as Banned Books in other parts of California and the US.
Primary documents and scholarly commentary about America between the end of the Civil War and the election of Theodore Rooseveltt. Includes rare materials, songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera. Essays covering such themes as race, labor, immigration, commerce, western expansion, and women’s suffrage illuminate the cultural landscape of the time .
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