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Innovation Challenge @ CSULB: Product Development

This research guide provides key research resources for students participating in the Innovation Challenge @ CSULB, covering topics such as marketing research, product development, and intellectual property.


#Product Development

We subscribe to over 300 databases on every subject and potentially any or all of them can be used to enhance your design concept and prototype development. This is a hand-curated list of the most appropriate databases but please check the subject  guides for even more resources. Your choice of database will depend on your product. For instance if you are designing a prosthetic for a limb you should use Compendex (engineering), Pubmed (for medical aspects) and Biological Abstracts. Check an appropriate research guide for more resources. AND you may, of course, contact Hema Ramachandran for a zoom research appointment.

STEM databases

Psychology, Social Sciences and Art Design Databases

Standards and Manufacturing Resources

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