The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) is a large database of structural (phonological, grammatical, lexical) properties of languages gathered from descriptive materials (such as reference grammars) by a team of 55 authors.
CAL's mission is "improving communication through better understanding of language and culture. "CAL is a private, non-profit organization: a group of scholars and educators who use the findings of linguistics and related sciences in identifying and addressing language-related problems. CAL caries out a wide range of activities including research, teacher education, analysis and dissemination of information, design and development of instructional materials, technical assistance, conference planniing, program evaluation, and policy analysis."
Brings together information available on the languages of the world.
Catalog of language-related internet resources.
Comprehensive site for linguistics sources maintained by scholars and graduate students at several universities.
Home page for the LSA.
A collection of resources for humanities research. Includes links to information on general humanities resources, and to other disciplines among which one may find links to anthropology, archaeology, architecture, area and regional studies, art and art history, classical studies, history, literature, music and dance, philosophy, religious studies, and women's studies, for example.
The Web of On-line Dictionaries is now a part of Includes language dictionaries, multi-lingual dictionaries, specialty dictionaries, and many other type of language resources.
ACTFL: American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
ACTFL's mission is "To provide vision, leadership and support for quality teaching and learning of languages." ACTFL is taking the lead on 2005: The Year of Languages celebration.
Free database from the Census Bureau containing population, housing, economic and geographic data. Combined data from the Census, American Community Surveys, Housing surveys, Economic surveys and other Census surveys.
This site "is an online curriculum resource for American Sign Language (ASL) students, instructors, and partents of deaf children." It provides lessons and other resources for self-study of ASL. It has a bibliography of resources, 'baby's first 100 signs, glossary, FAQs, etc.
Here are a few American Sign Language terms to help those who are trying to communicate with a person who signs, but does not hear.
"Based on data from the Harvard Dialect Survey conducted by Bert Vaux, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge."
ENDANGERED LANGUAGES (Alliance for Linguistic Diversity)
An online collaborative effort to protect global linguistic diversity.
The National Geographic's Enduring Voices project to save disappearing languages.
Home page for TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). Information on membership, publications, resources, services, etc.
Choose your language, then either one of the top 10 verbs or type in the infinitive of another verb; also has translation of verbs from and to other languages.
A collection of resources for humanities research. Includes links to information on general humanities resources, and to other disciplines among which one may find links to anthropology, archaeology, architecture, area and regional studies, art and art history, classical studies, history, literature, music and dance, philosophy, religious studies, and women's studies, for example.
Sites gathered for foreign language teachers and sponsored by the Foreign Language Teaching Forum. Has links for specific languages.