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Scholarworks @ the Beach!: About

A guide to policies and procedures for submitting your work to the Scholarworks @ the Beach repository.

What is Scholarworks?

Scholarworks is the CSU system digital institutional repository.  Digital institutional repositories collect and preserve the scholarly output of a university or other research institution.  CSULB faculty have the option of submitting their work to Scholarworks, where it will be preserved and made accessible.  Submission to Scholarworks promotes collaboration and open access, and it can be an important part of a researcher's data management plan.


How to search Scholarworks @ the Beach

Go to the repository to begin your search.

  • You can search the repository using keyword searches in the search box in the top right corner.
  • You can browse a community under "Communities within Long Beach."
  • You can also browse by author or subject along the righthand side of the page.

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Gabriel Gardner
LIB 114