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Government Agencies providing data.
Data and Statistics by
United States Government data and statistics by topic.
Health Data
search for health data by Federal government
Google Data Set Search
Data set Search, search engine to find data repositories on the web, and to local and national governments around the world.
This search engine leads to data sets wherever they’re hosted, whether it’s a publisher's site, a digital library, or an author's personal web page.
CountryWatch - This link opens in a new window
International Financial Statistics Online
Financial statistical since 1948 from more than 200 countries gathered the International Monetary Fund. Note only 5 simultaneous users at a time.
iPOLL - This link opens in a new window
Policy Map - This link opens in a new window
Statista - This link opens in a new window
Statistical Abstract of the United States - This link opens in a new window
- This link opens in a new window
TradeStats Express
U.S. merchandise trade statistics at both national and state levels. Graphics, data tables, and thematic maps can be custom-tailored to user needs. Data on major geographic regions (e.g., Middle East) and trade regions (e.g., NAFTA) are pre-aggregated. Can tabulate national trade statistics using three major product classification systems (HS, NAICs, or SITC).
U.S. Data & Statistics
National and regional statistics from 70 federal agencies supplemented with links to non-governmental and international statistics sites. Maintained by the Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy.
Statistics worldwide from countries more than 30 specialized non-governmental organizations (NGOs) data sources. Covering international commodities, energy, governmental finances, population, status of women and trade.
Census Data
Access data and digital content from the U.S. Census Bureau.