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An introduction for finding biographies and biographical information using a variety of research tools.


This guide is designed to provide an introduction for finding biographies and biographical information using a variety of research tools, either those which CSULB provides, or that are freely available on the Internet.

Getting Help

Citing Your Research

You have several options to help you format your research using proper citation styles.

Many of our databases have citation formatting options:

  • If you conduct a OneSearch book or article search, when you have the full record open look for citation OR " " link at top of record. It will format that record in several citation styles.
  • When you get some results from a research database, look for a CITE link. It might show your article in one of several bibliographic formats.
  • If you decide to e-mail the article, before you "send" it, look for CITATION / FORMAT option. You may be able to e-mail all your results in a particular style.

See our Style Manuals and Citation Methods Libguide.

Consider using one of these three CITATION MANAGERS  These can be  good options if you are going to write a major research paper, have multiple writing projects or are preparing something for for publication.