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Intro to Library Research

Welcome to the wonderful world of library research! 📚🌟 Whether you're a curious student or a seasoned scholar looking to expand your knowledge, the library is your best friend in this adventure.

Citing Sources

You must cite all the articles you use in your papers.  You will need to have:

  • Article title
  • Article author
  • Journal title
  • Volume number
  • Issue number
  • Page numbers
  • Year
  • DOI

You need to know what citation style your professor requires (typically APA or MLA, but there are others).

There are links on this page to help you build your Works Cited page (sometimes called a bibliography or Sources page)

Citation / Bibliographic Management Tools

Some citation management programs available include EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero.  They help you collect, manage, cite, and share your research sources and can create bibliographies in many citation formats.