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Collection Development and Management Manual CSULB

Policy and procedures on collection development and management at CSULB


  • Collection development assignments are made by the Dean in consultation with the Library Faculty member, and are based upon the needs of the organization balanced against the individual's education, experience, and interests.  Also, from time to time, the Dean will assign staff as selectors.
  • Relevant documents: 
    • Collection Development Assignments, Appendix K: Collection Development Assignments: X drive > Library Faculty Committees > CDMC > CDMC Documents > Librarian Assignment Sheets (maintained by Library Administration)
    • LC/Hegis Assignments: X drive > Library Faculty Committees > CDMC > CDMC Documents > LC Hegis Files (maintained by Library Administration)


  • Collection Development & Management: The selection, evaluation, deselection and location of materials and resources, regardless of format, for each assigned department, program, or collection;
  • Managing budget allocation;
  • Negotiations: While the Administrative Services Manager (ASM) is the authorized signatory for licenses, Library Faculty may conduct negotiations with vendors. If contractual or licensing questions arise the ASM will be consulted;
  • Reviewing proposed and/or received gifts of materials;
  • Reviewing damaged and lost or missing titles;
  • Reviewing usage of materials;
  • Communicating with department/program liaisons on a regular basis to discuss collection development plans, library services, and issues of concern to the department;
  • Compiling reports for departments to assist in program review, new program proposals and accreditation;
  • Promoting subscriptions, especially new databases, to students and departmental faculty; and create links to these resources in Research Guides, as appropriate; and
  • Major reviewing projects: For projects outside the routine scope of responsibilities.

Collection Development and Management Committee (CDMC)

  • CDMC is a committee of the Faculty Council;
  • The Committee consults with, and is advisory to, the Dean on collection development issues;
  • The membership of the committee is defined in the Bylaws of the Faculty Constitution. X drive >Library Faculty Committees >Faculty Meeting >Constitution and Bylaws;
  • The CDO is an ex officio member.
  • Responsibilities include:
    • Making recommendations to the Faculty Council and the Dean on collection development and management policy, procedures, distribution of funds, representatives to statewide collection development forums, major purchases, and cancelations;
    • Guiding the collection development process;
    • Examining trends and issues in collection development and management as they relate to the University Library;

    • Preserving and updating policies as they are approved by the Faculty Council and the Dean;

    • Creating and maintaining this Collection Development and Management Manual; and

    • Sponsoring collection development and management meetings and workshops for Library faculty and staff.

Discipline Representatives (Departmental & Program Liaisons)

Discipline representatives are instructional faculty members selected by their departments and/or programs to serve as liaisons to work with the Library Faculty member assigned to that department or program. 

A list of liaisons and chairs, X drive > Library Faculty Committees > CDMC > CDMC Documents > Librarian Assignment Sheets (maintained by the Library Administrative Office). Library Faculty will contact each of their assigned departments/programs to determine the names and email addresses of Library Liaison and Department/Program Chair for the academic year so that this list may be updated by the beginning of fall semester. Library Faculty members’ assignment letters include direction on how often subject specialists should meet with discipline representatives.

Discipline Liaisons can assist their Library Faculty members by:

  • Serving as a conduit for most acquisition recommendations by their departments/programs;

  • Disseminating information about the Library to their departments/programs;

  • Acting as contact for the subject Library Faculty members for advice pertaining to collection development and evaluation;

  • Providing information about their departments’ curricular direction and goals; and

  • Sharing information about their departments’ accreditations and reviews and any need for relevant Library input.

The Collection Development Officer (CDO) 

The CDO is a member of the Library Faculty who is assigned by the Dean to oversee the materials budget and purchases and the management of the collections.


  • Consult with the Library Faculty on collection development and management issues;
  • Develop and recommend to the Dean an annual budget [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: Budget] for collection materials, using in part, an allocation formula endorsed by CDMC and the Library Faculty that is intended to distribute book funds among the colleges and departments in a way that reflects curriculum, circulation and student enrollment;
  • In collaboration with the Dean, seek input about budget and resources from representatives of the colleges and other administrators as the Dean determines;
  • Negotiate and mediate contracts and licenses with vendors. If contractual or licensing questions arise be the point of contact;
  • Provide Lib-Webgroup and library faculty information on new and canceled electronic products [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Participants, Lib-Webgroup];
  • Work with Library Faculty on approval plans, patron-driven purchases [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: ordering & acquisitions], and other alternative purchase mechanisms;
  • Coordinate with Library Faculty on decisions regarding suggested purchases submitted through the website [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: gifts & endowments];
  • Facilitate meetings with publisher and vendor representatives with Library Faculty, Library staff, and instructional faculty;
  • Serve as the focal point for potential donors and/or gifts of books and other materials [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: gifts & endowments], consulting with appropriate Library Faculty members as appropriate;
  • In cooperation with the Dean and/or Development Director, assist Library Faculty with the administration of monetary donations [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: gifts & endowments] specific to their disciplines;
  • Provide usage data [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: finding statistics OR Tab: collection assessment] and/or assist Library Faculty in locating and interpreting usage and budget data; and
  • Assist Library Faculty with questions and concerns from departments or colleges about expenditures or other collection development questions.

Technical Services responsibilities related to collection development and management

  • Ordering [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: ordering & acquisitions] and processing materials requested for purchase or rental, identifying duplicate orders, and claiming unfilled orders;
  • Conferring with subject specialist when the price of an item is at significant variance from the ordering estimate;
  • Dealing with discrepancies and/or errors in the Library's catalog or other metadata resolvers;
  • Preparing reports of expenditures, titles received, outstanding orders, collection size, circulation, and other data needed for collection development decisions;
  • Cataloging government information materials into catalog; and
  • Providing information needed for departmental reviews, such as self‑studies for accreditation.

Access Services responsibilities related to collection development and management

  • Processing procedures for Searching, Missing, Lost, or Lost/Paid items for replacement [for more see CDM manual, Tab: Procedures, Tab: new/missing notifications]; 
  • Requesting Library Faculty member approval for purchase of items requested by instructional faculty for Reserve; 
  • Relocating items to Reserves or other location, upon request of subject librarian; and
  • Head of Access Services provides statistics from all interlibrary loan services.

Shelving Staff responsibilities related to collection development and management

  • Shifting stacks, moving materials to storage, etc., as necessary to accommodate new and relocated materials;
  • Notifying Library Faculty members of impacted shelving areas within their disciplines;
  • Identifying damaged materials and sending them to Technical Services; and
  • Scanning materials removed from the shelf and used only in the library, to capture internal circulation (in-house browses).
Lib-WebGroup members are appointed by the Dean. Their assignments usually represent library management system, technology architect and electronic resources.
  • Maintaining the public listing of new electronic products or platforms and trial products; 
  • Creating links to new databases and electronic products, and maintaining access to them; 

  • Facilitating access to new products or platforms through their listing in the catalog (resource recommender); 

  • Handling electronic database problems which are primarily technical in nature; and

  • Correspondence about these matters should be written on behalf of Web Group and should be CC’ed.


Lib-Subscriptions is an email group consisting the Technical Services coordinator and designated Technical Services staff members, the Collection Development Officer, and the Library Management System and Electronic Resources Coordinator and assistant coordinator.

  • Serving as the primary email address on file with vendors;
  • Correspondence about non-technical-support matters should be written on behalf of Subscriptions and should be CC’ed. 
  • Notifying library faculty when new products or platforms become available; and
  • Notifying library faculty when products or platforms are canceled.