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Collection Development and Management Manual CSULB

Policy and procedures on collection development and management at CSULB

Weeding Projects

In order to clear space in the second floor stacks to accommodate the construction of a Graduate Students Study Center, CDMC and librarians reviewed those indexes on the shelves that could be withdrawn as they have been replaced electronically or are no longer useful.  Indexes in ORCA were also considered if they were on the paper list that Kelly Janousek had from a previous project.  Nearly all were withdrawn clearing the shelving (a few were moved to stacks) and many in ORCA were also withdrawn.

VHS in ORCA were evaluated for withdrawal or replacement on DVD or Streaming

In an effort to clean up microfiche and microcards, then compounded by an effort to clear the lower level for the construction of the iSpace, CDMC reviewed which items actually existed/were or were not in the catalog and determined with microfiche to keep (and be sure to list in the catalog) and which to withdraw.  In the middle of this, the Dean decided to clear the lower level and move all microforms into storage.  The microfilm shelving was discarded and fiche and film were moved into storage.  As of yet, microfilm has not been reviewed (4/2020).

Collection Evaluation/Organization Projects

Librarians assessed whether items in the stacks marked non-circulating could be made circulating or otherwise moved.  Largely to make the items availability more transparent to students and circ staff.  Also to look at whether the items have aged out of the usefulness as building use only. Most items were changed to circulating, some were withdrawn.

Specific Resource Evaluations

In consideration of replacing our WOS subscription with a SCOPUS subscription.  Chose to keep WOS.


This PPT and the underlying analysis, complied by Journalism Librarian Carol Perruso in November 2019,  grew out of a 49er reporter's story idea. It was a local follow-up from a national story on declining circulation in academic libraries published in Atlantic magazine in May, 2019. 

Carol did this analysis, I think, for former associate dean Tracey Mayfield. Can't remember why.

This analysis grew out of a bet between Roman and Carol on how much recently purchased books circulated. The Results: Of the 15,000 academic titles purchased between 2006 and 2011, 23% had zero circ; 20% had 2 circ; and 42% had three or more circs. (Not sure if this included in-house circulation but it probably did.) 

Budget Cuts

Consortia Participation

June 13th, 2017

All the libraries of the California State University (CSU) library collections are integrated into a Library Discovery System called OneSearch. The OneSearch interface allows users to find, cite, save, and share books, ebooks, ejournals, articles, and streaming video from all the CSU Libraries. Through CSU+ (within OneSearch, see tab on CSU+) students and faculty have access to borrow millions of books held by the CSU Libraries by request it within in the system and delivered to their home campus within 2-3 days.

Physical item sharing amongst 23 CSU campuses. Intergrated with unified OneSearch discovery system (see tab OneSearch). 

CSULB left LINK+ in 2020

One click ILL request for books and media items shared with many academic and public libraries.  Worked seamlessly with III catalog, went on hiatus after move to ALMA/PRIMO (2016), temporarily brought back online, then discontinued in 2020.

Systemwide Digital Library Content (SDLC) at the Chancellor of the California State University team manages the contracting of electronic information resources in support of shared acquisitions. Established in 1989, and sponsored by the CSU Office of the Chancellor, SDLC (formerly SEIR) manages the SDLC consortium on behalf of its member libraries. 

June 2020

The CSU libraries have elected to be part of the shared print initiative. A vendor, Greenglass, evaluates each of the CSU libraries collections and determines which print materials are unique or rare compared to comparable libraries within the United States. The retention model agreed upon for the CSUs is to maintain titles that are scarcely owned (fewer than five copies nationally) within California libraries and US libraries. This will protect around 24% collection from withdrawal because of its unique properties.