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Creative Writing & Genre Fiction

This guide offers resources for creative writers and information about the Library's genre fiction collections.

Start with These

Also Useful

Burgess, Michael.  Reference Guide to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.  PN 3433.5 .B873 1992

Will help you to identify specialized reference resources (histories, dictionaries and encyclopedias, bibliographies, etc., some of which the CSULB Library owns (check OneSearch.)

Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia

The Feminist SF site provides bibliographies of feminist science fiction, fantasy, and utopian novels, short stories, anthologies, and other writings, as well as reviews, bibliographies of literary criticism, research guides guides to teaching feminist SF, and information on the feminist SF community, and has been doing so since 1994.


Science Fiction Book Review Index, 1923-1973. By H. W. Hall.  1st Floor Reference PN 3433.8 .H354

Science Fiction Book Review Index, 1974-1979.  By H. W. Hall.  1st Floor Reference PN 3433.8 .H355

Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review Index, 1980-1984.  By H. W. Hall.  Ref PN 3433.8 .H356 1985

Hall's three SFBRI's provide access to reviews of thousands of science fiction and fantasy books.  The reviews are found in both mainstream and SF specialist publications, many of which are in the CSULB Library.


 Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Utopian, and Dystopian Theses and Dissertations.  By Leslie Kay Swigart.

A listing of some 2000 doctoral dissertations, masters' theses, and baccalaureat theses, on science fiction, fantasy, horror, utopian, and dystopian literature and media.  It will be updated once Ms. Swigart's  dissertation is complete, Soon! Ms. Swigart's expertise comes from her decades as CSULB librarian for Literature. Dr. Alexis Pavenick (Dr. P.) is our current Librarian for Literature.

Additional Specialized Resources

Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia

Bibliographies of feminist works by gender-identity, audience, format, etc.  Information about authors.  Research, criticism, and teaching materials.  Resources for writers and fans about the feminist SF community.


Foreign Language Resources:


Centre D'Etudes et de Recherche des Litteratures de L'Imaginaire


Quarante-Deux: Quesques pages sur la Science-Fiction

"Base de donnees, critiques, articles, nouvelles, prix litteraires, illustrations et carnet personnels."